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This film uses diagrams to illustrate the importance of salvaging common everyday items in an effort to reuse important raw materials for building ships. The film asserts that one day's salvage by the whole British people counteracts the loss of one ship. An emphasis is put on "The importance of salvage to the flow of goods; [and] various examples of useful materials commonly thrown away."--War Films, Bulletin of the Extension Division, Indiana University, February, 1943.
Humorously using the arrogant and bumbling Mr. Proudfoot, this film serves a dual purpose of emphasizing the importance of obeying blackout hours, as well as easing the stress of the time period by encouraging laughter.
Produced for an American audience, the film explores the role of women in the war effort and thanks America for sending relief bundles to the victims of the London Blitz. Shows British women caring for evacuee children, working in the land army, as ambulance drivers and auto mechanics, in defense factories, ferrying planes for the R.A.F., and operating rest centers.
United States. Department of Agriculture. Rural Electrification Administration, Kendall Foss
Worst of Farm Disasters was produced alongside the USDA's Rural Electrification Administration (REA) films Power and the Land and Bip Goes To Town. All three films document the life of an Ohio farm family, the Parkinson's, as they promote REA loans for modernization of small farms with electric service. Portrays the ever-present danger of fires on the farm resulting from reliance on kitchen cook stoves, kerosene lanterns and other traditional ways of farm life that would be improved through electrification. Narration conveys the message that "farms with electricity are more protected against fire loss than ever before, they are safer places to live for men and women."
United States. Department of Agriculture. Agricultural Adjustment Administration
Documents farming practices in the New England states, showing the prosperity that fertile soils brought to hardworking farmers who cleared the hilly land. That fertile soil, rich in minerals, accumulated over the course of centuries covered in forests. Shows that generations of farmers have enriched themselves from these fertile soils without adequately caring for them. Failing farms, dilapidation and abandonment are shown to follow farming these depleted soils. "But it doesn't have to be this way," states a narrator in the character of an old Yankee. Application of lime and phosphorous fertilizers recommended by soil scientists are shown to restore and maintain soil fertility. Abundant harvests of hay are shown resulting from well-fertilized fields. Depicts pre-mechanized farming and logging practices, hand harvesting, and use of working animals.
The scene is Virginia, 1765, just after the King's tax proclamation has been read and the legislature is in an uproar. Ensuing events lead to a protest meeting held by patriots at Richmond, at which Patrick Henry delivers his "Give me liberty" speech.
Sergei M. Eisenstein, William F. Kruse, Egon Mauthner
Documentary film by Sergei M. Eisenstein, famous Russian movie producer, about the Zapotec Village in Mexico. Made by special arrangement with Upton Sinclair, American author and politician.
Technique of drilling and tapping blind holes in cast steel on a radial drill. A drill jig with loose bushings is used for locating the holes. Setting up the work on the table of the machine, setting the jig on the piece to the layout lines. Calculating the size of the tap drill and the method used when setting the machine to drill a number of holes to the same depth. A wizard drill chuck is used in the drilling operation, and a standard friction chuck for holding the tap. The action of a tap in a hole is shown in animation and the reason why a tap binds in the hole and must be reversed frequently when tapping in tough metals.
Shows various types of micrometers; how to use a micrometer, read the barrel and thimble scales, check the accuracy of readings, and take care of the instrument.
Newsreel sport highlights from notable sporting events from the year. Events include: National Basketball Invitational finals, The Preakness, 29th Indianapolis 500 Speedway Race, National Golf Open, 53rd National Senior A.A.U Championships, All-Star Baseball game, National Tennis Singles Championship, the World Series of 1941.
Focuses on the conservation of important natural elements such as rubber, oil and metal needed to support the U.S. Victory Program. Viewers are shown various ways in which they can change daily habits to get the most out of these materials.
[motion picture] Orients students to the opportunities and experiences for the study of government at a typical college or university. Emphasizes that government cannot be taken for granted and that everyone is a part of the government. Demonstrates various areas of government for study: American government, politics, public administration, comparative and internal relations, and immediate controversial problems. Concludes with the generalization that the study of government is democracy at work.
Describes the first fire raid on the City of London on the night of December 29, 1940. Opening sequences in the film are taken from the roof of St. Paul's Cathedral. They show the London fire brigade working in the midst of blazing buildings and streets. Closing daylight sequences show the visible destruction of Guild Hall, St. Lawrence Jewry, St. Brides church and innumerable warehouses.
United States. Department of Agriculture. Extension Service
A history of home construction and architectural styles in the U.S. Emphasizes the homestead as symbolic of American values and national character. "The American farmstead, stronghold of human liberty —its history and social significance. This film presents views of many historic rural homes, from New England to California; points out that they have all been created and maintained by a lavish expenditure of sweat and elbow grease, and that the farm home is of prime importance in our civilization. Of general interest, with a special appeal to students of rural domestic architecture" (Motion Picture of the United States Department of Agriculture, 1945, 22). Includes scenes of New England colonial homes, the Georgian houses of the Chesapeake region, Monticello, Dutch colonial styles of Pennsylvania and the Hudson Valley, the Linnear House of Madison, IN, Andrew Jackson's Hermitage, the Uncle Sam Plantation in Louisiana, and the Spanish Haciendas of the southwest.
United States. Department of Agriculture. Forest Service
Shows the work of the U.S.D.A Forest Service forest rangers across the nation's 161 national forests. Narration lists the forest ranger's duty to "manage the vast American woodland to produce more timber for home builders, more forage for stockmen, more fish and game for sportsmen, protected watershed for towns and municipalities, abundant power for hydroelectric plants, and reliable supplies of water for famers who rely on irrigation." Forest fire prevention and fighting, replanting burned and logged areas, search and rescue of missing persons, educating children and enforcing poaching laws are among the jobs of the forest ranger depicted.
Laurence Olivier's reading of passages from Milton, William Blake, Robert Browning, Rudyard Kipling and Abraham Lincoln accompany scenes of daily life in wartime Britain. The texts selected emphasize national identity and heritage, patriotism, and the justness of the Allied cause.
Presents an account of an actual air raid by the Bomber Command of the Royal Air Force. Aerial photographs disclose the objective to be raided. Then staff planning, routine preparations, and the tension of the evening take-off are shown. Follows a big Wellington bomber through its bombing of the target, engine trouble, the wounding of its wireless operator, and finally its report back to headquarters.
A British production made as a fund raising appeal to American audiences to aid British children affected by the Blitz. The film depicts the hardships of life during wartime for children and discusses the relief efforts of the Save the Children Federation.
"This film illustrates the difference between World War II and the war of 1914, emphasizing the importance of mechanization, and contrasting the mobile tactics with the immobility of trench warfare. The scientific approach, both to problems of military strategy and to new weapons, is all-important. The film shows some of the work done by Canadian scientists to make these weapons as effective as possible."--National Film Board of Canada description.
"Step-by-step manufacture and assembly of the B-26 medium bomber in the Glenn Martin plant at Baltimore."--War Films, Bulletin of the Extension Division, Indiana University, February, 1943.
Focuses on the conservation of important natural elements such as rubber, oil and metal needed to support the U.S. Victory Program. Viewers are shown various ways in which they can change daily habits to get the most out of these materials.