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This film uses diagrams to illustrate the importance of salvaging common everyday items in an effort to reuse important raw materials for building ships. The film asserts that one day's salvage by the whole British people counteracts the loss of one ship. An emphasis is put on "The importance of salvage to the flow of goods; [and] various examples of useful materials commonly thrown away."--War Films, Bulletin of the Extension Division, Indiana University, February, 1943.
Humorously using the arrogant and bumbling Mr. Proudfoot, this film serves a dual purpose of emphasizing the importance of obeying blackout hours, as well as easing the stress of the time period by encouraging laughter.
Produced for an American audience, the film explores the role of women in the war effort and thanks America for sending relief bundles to the victims of the London Blitz. Shows British women caring for evacuee children, working in the land army, as ambulance drivers and auto mechanics, in defense factories, ferrying planes for the R.A.F., and operating rest centers.
United States. Department of Agriculture. Rural Electrification Administration, Kendall Foss
Worst of Farm Disasters was produced alongside the USDA's Rural Electrification Administration (REA) films Power and the Land and Bip Goes To Town. All three films document the life of an Ohio farm family, the Parkinson's, as they promote REA loans for modernization of small farms with electric service. Portrays the ever-present danger of fires on the farm resulting from reliance on kitchen cook stoves, kerosene lanterns and other traditional ways of farm life that would be improved through electrification. Narration conveys the message that "farms with electricity are more protected against fire loss than ever before, they are safer places to live for men and women."
United States. Department of Agriculture. Agricultural Adjustment Administration
Documents farming practices in the New England states, showing the prosperity that fertile soils brought to hardworking farmers who cleared the hilly land. That fertile soil, rich in minerals, accumulated over the course of centuries covered in forests. Shows that generations of farmers have enriched themselves from these fertile soils without adequately caring for them. Failing farms, dilapidation and abandonment are shown to follow farming these depleted soils. "But it doesn't have to be this way," states a narrator in the character of an old Yankee. Application of lime and phosphorous fertilizers recommended by soil scientists are shown to restore and maintain soil fertility. Abundant harvests of hay are shown resulting from well-fertilized fields. Depicts pre-mechanized farming and logging practices, hand harvesting, and use of working animals.
The scene is Virginia, 1765, just after the King's tax proclamation has been read and the legislature is in an uproar. Ensuing events lead to a protest meeting held by patriots at Richmond, at which Patrick Henry delivers his "Give me liberty" speech.