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This film takes a dramatic yet comedic look at what makes Indiana University graduates winners: faculty, facilities, courses, and the IU experience. Also discusses how technology can help graduates keep moving and keep advancing in the workplace.
Discusses and shows the wide variety of creatures who inhabit the seashore. Explains how they are adapted to the environment in which they make their homes. Presents filmed sequences of the sand flea, clam, sea hare, snail, many kinds of crabs, and other seashore creatures.
Shows the adventures of Nip and Tuck, two little goats. Presents brief scenes of various farm animals including billy and nanny goat. Identifies the little goats as kids and shows them drinking milk from their mother. Pictures their first adventure in the pasture and explains what goats prefer to eat.
Roland J. Faust, Robert L. Gobrecht , Hugh N. Davis, Jr. , John Taylor, Harvey Frye, Indiana University Audio-Visual Center , Maxine Dunfee, Glenn A. Black
Presents phases of prehistoric Native American life as revealed by archaeologists who study the features of early village sites and materials obtained from exploring them. Describes the structure of the Native American homes, their weapons, tools, toys, ornaments, and food. Filmed at Angel Mound Site near Evansville, Indiana.
High-powered microscopic shots are used to illustrate the principle that sexual reproduction in simple and complex plants and animals always involves the production and the union of gametes; exemplifies the details of fusion by showing the union of the sperm and egg of a salamander. By means of time-lapse photography, follows the steps in the life cycle of the salamander. Explains that sexual reproduction provides both for the continuation of life and for the variations which benefit man.
Shows a group of junior high boys and girls playing beat ball. Demonstrates division into teams, throwing, running, and putting the runner out. Introduces several variations of the original game.
Describes various uses of the bulletin board. Shows how to locate and maintain a bulletin board for both instructional and reference purposes, describes the materials from which bulletin boards can be constructed, and explains how to select materials so as to maintain interest in the display.
This film shows excerpts from the three-day subcommittee hearings on patent medicine, antitrust, and prescription drug laws. The bill before Congress, number S-1552, Drug Industry Antitrust Act, is shown through the eyes of the drug industry, although both sides of the issue of overpricing is shown
Discusses the Louisiana Purchase and the westward movement which resulted from it. Reviews the role of men such as Lewis and Clark, Pike, Long, and others in the exploratory process. (KETC) Kinescope.
Opens with a picture of a boy fishing and quickly leads up to the fact that, in getting a job, the baits required are personality, training, and experience. Then follows a discussion of these points: know yourself, study vocations, learn of contributions your local school can make to your training, coordinate mind and body, build character on a firm foundation, and believe in opportunity.
Shows everyday applications of bookkeeping to increase motivation for its study, to help the student decide whether he is interested in taking bookkeeping, and to help in vocational guidance. Gives job information and information about educational preparation for a variety of kinds of work.
Pictures the work of Dr. B. F. Skinner and his associates at Harvard University Psychology Laboratories in studying animal behavior and indicates the application of principles learned to the design of teaching machines to be used in increasing human learning efficiency.
Dr. B.F. Skinner and R.J. Herrnstein demonstrate how to measure the learning and conditioning process.
Dr. B.F. Skinner introduces the concept of teaching through machines. Others describe programmed learning. Both techniques include the advantages of a student advancing at his own pace and knowing immediately the adequacy of his answers. Changes in the role of teacher.
Shows the pre-game and half-time maneuvers of the Indiana University Marching Band during two of the 1960 home football games. The band is seen in pre-game activities for the Marquette game and the half-time activities at the Northwestern game. Depicts the combined high school bands' performance during the 1960 Band Day.
Dramatizes the story of Tommy Randall, who has been caught stealing at school, and who is sent to a child guidance clinic rather than being of an emotional problem. Traces the disturbance, through a portrayal of his family lie, to its source. Shows how Tommy's mother learns to understand him and how Tommy himself becomes adjusted through the work of the clinicians.
The third in the "Living Earth" series. Shows the interrelationship of water and forests in supplying life-giving moisture to topsoil. Pictures what happens when forests are destroyed and water is no longer stored in the ground.
Shows, through the interest of a boy and girl in birdhouses, the construction of different types of houses for different birds. Tells what materials to choose and how they can be used most effectively. Shows children putting up houses in the early spring, and pictures the bluebird, martin, tree swallow, and house wren in houses constructed for them.
Portrays man's callousness towards war and violence by viewing unemotional and noncommunicative men who press triggers on pinball machines in a Parisian bistro and cause real battleships to sink, airplanes to explode, and cannons to blow out the wall.
Uses animation to illustrate the versatility of the triangular shape. Shows a single triangle dividing, re-dividing, and re-forming into colorful representations of symmetrical and asymmetrical shapes, including stars, cubes, rhombuses, and parallelograms. Concludes with the multitude of forms returning to the basic triangle.
Animated experimental film of the painting 'Isle of the dead' by nineteenth century painter Arnold Böcklin. The ghost-like island wakes to mysterious life, flickers momentarily in a corpse-candle light and fades into darkness.
Immediately following Pearl Harbor, one of the critical problems facing the United States was what to do with the 100,000 people of Japanese descent living up and down the Pacific Coast. The immediate step was to remove all Japanese from critical areas around air fields, harbors, and industrial plants, to forestall sabotage and espionage. This mass migration accomplished by the Army working with the War Relocation Authority is shown in the film--from the first registration through the movement to temporary quarters established in race tracks and fair grounds to the final migration to settlements in Arizona, Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming.
Contains aerial photography, animation, and charts to show methods used by Indianapolis to effect slum clearance. Pictures city officials as they cite the need for rebuilding slum areas and tells of the founding in 1945 of the Indianapolis Redevelopment Commission outlining plans for future development as well as picturing results of past achievements. Points out the cooperative efforts of Flanner House as residents are assisted in the building of new homes, summarizes the accomplishments of the Commission, and views future plans for slum clearance.
The anatomy of the eye is shown in detail by diagram, regular photography, and cinephotomicrography. Demonstrates how to correct defects in focusing, the approved way of removing foreign objects from the eye, correct lighting precautions, and other measures for good eye hygiene. A silent teaching film.
Shows the correct procedure and manipulations for elementary glass blowing with Pyrex glass, the technique employed for joining tubes of unequal diameters, and the method of forming bulbs.
Discusses and demonstrates the laboratory procedures involved in the production of a 16mm, color, sound film. Follows the camera original film and a quarter inch audio tape through the following procedures: processing the original, dubbing the sound to 16mm magnetic film, making a work print, and edge numbering the original and the work print. Observes the edited work print and magnetic sound track going through the processes of conforming, transferring to optical sound, and color balancing in order to make the composite answer print.
Contrasts worlds beyond our own with the world of microscopic living things, represented by protozoa, algae, yeasts, bacteria, and viruses. Refers to man's techniques for controlling bacteria and utilizing their desirable actions in his own service. Includes animation and time-lapse cinephotomicrography.
Traces the history of the classification of animal life. Explains the necessity of scientific classification of plants and animals and the use of Latin in science. Discusses the work of Carolus Linnaeus leading to modern classification. Traces the evolution of the horse as a basis for explaining subdivisions, class, order, family, genus, species, living relations, and varieties, and defining nomenclature.
Documents Maier's thesis that frustration leads to fixation and other bizarre symptoms. Shows a modified Lashley jumping apparatus and describes the process of teaching rats to jump. Portrays the successful solution of a soluble problem, and typical frustration responses to insoluble problems: refusal, escape, and stereotyped choice. Frustrated animals finally assigned to soluble problems persist in fixations in spite of open correct doors, and although walking trials demonstrated that they know the correct choice. Includes demonstrations of catatonic and neurotic behavior.
Demonstrates the strange and contradictory particle and wave behavior of electrons. Suggests that the atomic system seemingly hides any way by which its behavior may be understood. Explains that the scientist has had to approach the study of sub-atomic particles in an oblique manner. Discusses the "uncertainty principle" and the place of "statistical method." Suggests that because atomic behavior can be amplified, the whole world is affected by the statistical probability of atomic behavior. Dr. Teller presents his personal view that the behavior od atoms, like the future, is neither certain nor predictable. (KQED) Film.
Presents a tour of Paris, indicating points of interest and picturing Parisians as they go about their everyday tasks. Views Paris from atop the Eiffel Tower. Shows a diagram of the city and locates various points on the diagram. French language narration.
Illustrates the variety of environments in which plants survive, and shows adaptations developed by various plants for survival and reproduction within their own environment. The role of man as a mediator of environment is shown as he modifies living conditions of plants, and then must provide protection for them. The viewer is encouraged to search for adaptations in the plant world around him.
This film presents the anatomy, symptomatology, and clinical picture of disorders of nerves. Shots include: unilateral paralysis of masticatory nerve, paralysis of right masticatory nerve, disorders of the spinal accessory nerve, motor fibers supplying sternomastoid muscle, atrophy of the upper portion of the trapezius muscle, scapula alata in paralysis of serratus anticus muscle, motor fibers leaving medulla between olive and pyramid, bilateral paralysis of hypoglossal nerves, scars of gunshot injury bilateraly, slow response to galvanic stimulation, severe atrophy and immobility of tongue, and bilateral paralysis of glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves.
An animated cartoon which explains that there are no basic differences between the races of the world. Uses small green demons to caricature prejudice and racial hatred. Relates the history of mankind to point out that dissimilarities in peoples result from superficial environmental influences. Based on "Races of Mankind" pamphlet by Ruth Benedict and Gene Weltfish.
Shows the World Health Organization, UNICEF, and the Indian Government in a cooperative project to control malaria in the Terai district of India. Foreign specialists work with Indian teams making blood tests, spraying homes with DDT, and checking results. Shows the difficulty of winning the confidence of the inhabitants before improvement in the health, work, and lives of the people can result.
This film describes the origin and growth of glaciers; surveys the work of glaciologists in trying to understand the structure of ice and its importance in the study of climatology, meteorology, and geology. Included are scenes of glaciologists at work in Antarctica, Greenland, Alaska, Washington, and on Mt. Kenya.
Illustrates, using animation and live-action photography, man's efforts to learn more about the structure of the earth through study of deep mine shafts, deep wells, volcanoes, and earthquakes. Describes early theories of the earth's structure and the present world-wide efforts to discover more about its structure. Points out means scientists use to study earthquakes, how this study contributes to an explanation of the structure of the earth's interior, and the use of explosion seismology to produce artificial earthquakes. The intense heat of the earth's interior is evidenced in volcanic eruptions, geysers, and bubbling mud. The plan for placing a seismograph on the moon and the "Mohole Project'' are briefly discussed.
Activity group therapy as developed at the Jewish Board of Guardians, New York City, by S.R. Slavson, Director of Group Therapy. Shows socially-maladjusted children 10 to 11 years old being benefited therapeutically by "acting out" their disturbances upon their environment and each other. Presents Henry's anxiety hysteria, Bob's aggressiveness, and Albert's effeminacy in a realistic situation with an emotionally neutral therapist and concealed cameras and microphones. Argues for encouraging boys to form a club and work things out for themselves. Recommended for use only by individuals or groups professionally concerned with psychiatric, social, and medical fields.
This film traces the history of rocketry and describes the use of sounding rockets as tools for scientific research in the upper atmosphere; this film discusses the need for such tools, shows how rocket experiments are accomplished, and explains what they have contributed to meteorological and ionospheric research.
Indicates the basic principle of the standard plain milling machine. Each part of the machine is named and explained, and some elementary setups are demonstrated.
Discusses the political history of Brazil and her relations with the U.S. Considers Brazilian art, economic problems and potentialities, and the role of U.S. business in Brazil. A photo series presents the land and the people. (WTTW) Kinescope.
Deals with the evils of the one-crop system throughout the tobacco country of the South; then illustrates some of the ways in which the impoverished tobacco farmer can improve his lot by devoting some of his land to raising food crops, using governmental assistance, soliciting the help of local schools in community rehabilitation, and developing a community program to combat malnutrition.
Shows how to mount the workpiece on the milling machine table; how to use a wiggler to position the workpiece for drilling; how to mount the cutting tools in the spindle; how to bore the hole to close tolerances; how to prevent bellmouth when boring a hole; how to distance from a previously drilled hole; and how to use plug gages and a micrometer to check the center distance between the holes.