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Emphasizes the importance of proper cleaning in the care of teeth, and illustrates how the teeth are affected by excessive use of refined sugar. Identifies the kinds of bacteria that change sugar to acid in the mouth. Demonstrates the use of sodium fluoride solution in the prevention of tooth decay and prescribes specific rules to be followed in the care of the teeth.
Presents Ruth, Jump, Marjorie Gestring, and others diving from a 33-foot tower to show championship form in diving. Pictures Iris Cummings and the Hopkins twins as they demonstrate the breast stroke and crawl.
Slow-motion and underwater photography are used in demonstrating how swimming students emulate the motins of the dolphin as they learn the dolphin kick, the accompanying body undulations and the butterfly arm action which combine to increase the power of the breast stroke. Educational author, Francis Dixon.
National Commission on Safety Education, National Education Association
Economical driving practices are suggested by a service station operator to a boy who has just received permission to drive the family car alone. Includes care of the car's finish, warming up of the engine, proper use of clutch, efficient braking practices, and the effect of acceleration and speed on tire wear and gasoline consumption.
Students demonstrate the procedures that may be applied to fashion a space design. Details the making of an initial sketch, a three-dimensional model, and a final structure. Shows steps in the creation of space design usng metal, plastic, and other materials. Consultant, George Barford.
A second-grader's experiences during a day without numbers cause him to want to study arithmetic and to realize the value of numbers in his everyday living. All the class but Bob enjoy arithmetic. When a puppet with magic powers offers Bob a day without numbers, he gladly leaves the classroom with the puppet. A series of frustrating experiences caused by the magical disappearance of numbers, such as the disruption of an exciting baseball game, results in Bob's gladly returning to the classroom and the study of arithmetic.