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Shows the advances achieved by biologists through experiments with atomic radiation on plants and animals. Describes the effects of gamma rays on living cells: their growth, rate of reproduction, and hereditary tendencies after exposure. Shows with animated drawings the effects of these rays on chromosomes of living cells and their probable effects on genes. Illustrates how induced cancer is treated with cyclotron bombardment and tells of the search for isotopes which can be administered internally.
Roland J. Faust, Robert L. Gobrecht , Hugh N. Davis, Jr. , John Taylor, Harvey Frye, Indiana University Audio-Visual Center , Maxine Dunfee, Glenn A. Black
Presents phases of prehistoric Native American life as revealed by archaeologists who study the features of early village sites and materials obtained from exploring them. Describes the structure of the Native American homes, their weapons, tools, toys, ornaments, and food. Filmed at Angel Mound Site near Evansville, Indiana.
Dramatizes the story of Tommy Randall, who has been caught stealing at school, and who is sent to a child guidance clinic rather than being of an emotional problem. Traces the disturbance, through a portrayal of his family lie, to its source. Shows how Tommy's mother learns to understand him and how Tommy himself becomes adjusted through the work of the clinicians.
Shows several youngsters finding shelter upon hearing an air raid alert. Then portrays Ted and Sue, at home when the alert sounds, taking the necessary precautions against an atomic bomb. They cover windows, check the kitchen for fires, and go to the basement to wait for instructions over the battery radio. Next pictures what to do in case of a bombing without warning, as demonstrated by Ted and Sue. They are commended by the warden for their good work.
Shows a group of junior high boys and girls playing beat ball. Demonstrates division into teams, throwing, running, and putting the runner out. Introduces several variations of the original game.
Documents Maier's thesis that frustration leads to fixation and other bizarre symptoms. Shows a modified Lashley jumping apparatus and describes the process of teaching rats to jump. Portrays the successful solution of a soluble problem, and typical frustration responses to insoluble problems: refusal, escape, and stereotyped choice. Frustrated animals finally assigned to soluble problems persist in fixations in spite of open correct doors, and although walking trials demonstrated that they know the correct choice. Includes demonstrations of catatonic and neurotic behavior.
Seventh in the "Are You Ready for Service?" series. Compares the experiences and moral behavior of two young men in the Navy. One was prepared for necessary decisions, while the other had no clear picture of himself. The latter becomes one of a group of irresponsible men, eventually becomes disgusted, seeks the help of a steadier acquaintance, and straightens out his problems. Recommends that young men get ready to make any decisions they might meet in new surroundings.
Fifth in the "Are You Ready for Service?" series. Illustrates the great demands on physical strength and endurance in the service, and recommends that young men in high school consider how much time they have to get ready. Suggests a complete physical examination, having defects remedied if possible, taking tests of physical performance, and planning toward physical fitness with a program of activities.
Uses drawings and real photography to depict the origin and nature of the Hawaiian Islands. Shows a recent eruption of Mauna Loa Volcano and indicates how rain, wind, and the ocean have transformed the islands into fertile regions over the centuries.
Activity group therapy as developed at the Jewish Board of Guardians, New York City, by S.R. Slavson, Director of Group Therapy. Shows socially-maladjusted children 10 to 11 years old being benefited therapeutically by "acting out" their disturbances upon their environment and each other. Presents Henry's anxiety hysteria, Bob's aggressiveness, and Albert's effeminacy in a realistic situation with an emotionally neutral therapist and concealed cameras and microphones. Argues for encouraging boys to form a club and work things out for themselves. Recommended for use only by individuals or groups professionally concerned with psychiatric, social, and medical fields.
As multicolored plastic abstractions swing and revolve, lights create changing, fantastic patterns of colored shadow. Has an original piano score. Made by the American artist in plastics, Jim Davis.
Presents Ruth, Jump, Marjorie Gestring, and others diving from a 33-foot tower to show championship form in diving. Pictures Iris Cummings and the Hopkins twins as they demonstrate the breast stroke and crawl.
Barbara Ann Scott demonstrates the fundamentals of figure-skating. Discusses edges and basic figures and analyzes a number of complex turns. The skater also demonstrates free skating.
Explains the effects of lenses on light, and shows the construction and use of a lens. Pictures the types of images formed by convex and concave lenses when an object is placed at varying distances from the lens. Shows the use of lenses in cameras, microscopes, and telescopes.
Shows how Sally can, in an emergency, prepare a hot meal quickly, using her mother's ready supply of canned and frozen foods. The narrator emphasizes the correct use of the proper utensils, the time-saving advantage of a modern gas range, and the importance of intelligent marketing.
Shows the relation between the aftermath of war and the "pale horseman," epidemic disease. Discusses the plight of 100,000,000 displaced persons soon after World War II and the activities of UNRRA.
Shows excerpts from four tests: two six-year olds (I.Q.s 104 and 156) and two ten-year-olds (I.Q.s 100 and 80). Indicates techniques of rapport and standardized administration. Concepts and computation of M.A. and I.Q. presented in detail. An introduction to Stanford-Binet; not intended to teach competent administration.
Jos Limon and his troupe perform a suite of dances based on Shakespeare's "Othello" with lines spoken by Bram Nossem. Using the structure of a court dance, this interpretation captures the tragedy and passion of the play. Dancers: Jos Limon (Othello), Lucas Hoving, Betty Jones, Ruth Currier.
Pictures the marshy area in England which has been reclaimed for farming purposes. Explains the problems which the people face when the soil dries and shrinks from the foundations of buildings, when they prepare the land for farming, and when they build roads.