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A small boy's curiosity about the source of his new clothing is used in tracing the production of clothing from raw material to the finished product. Shows several of the manufacturing processes by which wool, cotton, silk, nylon, leather, and rubber are made into articles of apparel. Correlated with the book "Beginning German with Films" and accompanying drill tapes by S. Edgar Schmidt and Lawrence R. Radner.
Explains that a globe is the best model to represent the shape of the earth. Discusses the change in man's ideas about the shape of the earth from flat, to curved to round to flattened and bulging to pear shaped. Explains the value of rockets and satellites in helping us to learn more about the shape of the earth.
Pictures the work of Dr. B. F. Skinner and his associates at Harvard University Psychology Laboratories in studying animal behavior and indicates the application of principles learned to the design of teaching machines to be used in increasing human learning efficiency.
Dr. B.F. Skinner and R.J. Herrnstein demonstrate how to measure the learning and conditioning process.
Outlines the advantages of the overhead projector as a visual aid to learning in classrooms, in business, and in industry. Shows the great variety of uses of the equipment, with opaque, translucent, and transparent materials, both in contrasting colors and in monochrome. Stresses the ease with which effective presentations can be improvised through the use of movable graphic components, overlays, polaroid filters, transparent working models, and even chemical reactions in a test tube.
This film traces the history of rocketry and describes the use of sounding rockets as tools for scientific research in the upper atmosphere; this film discusses the need for such tools, shows how rocket experiments are accomplished, and explains what they have contributed to meteorological and ionospheric research.
This film describes the origin and growth of glaciers; surveys the work of glaciologists in trying to understand the structure of ice and its importance in the study of climatology, meteorology, and geology. Included are scenes of glaciologists at work in Antarctica, Greenland, Alaska, Washington, and on Mt. Kenya.
Dr. B.F. Skinner introduces the concept of teaching through machines. Others describe programmed learning. Both techniques include the advantages of a student advancing at his own pace and knowing immediately the adequacy of his answers. Changes in the role of teacher.
Illustrates, using animation and live-action photography, man's efforts to learn more about the structure of the earth through study of deep mine shafts, deep wells, volcanoes, and earthquakes. Describes early theories of the earth's structure and the present world-wide efforts to discover more about its structure. Points out means scientists use to study earthquakes, how this study contributes to an explanation of the structure of the earth's interior, and the use of explosion seismology to produce artificial earthquakes. The intense heat of the earth's interior is evidenced in volcanic eruptions, geysers, and bubbling mud. The plan for placing a seismograph on the moon and the "Mohole Project'' are briefly discussed.
Shows the adventures of Nip and Tuck, two little goats. Presents brief scenes of various farm animals including billy and nanny goat. Identifies the little goats as kids and shows them drinking milk from their mother. Pictures their first adventure in the pasture and explains what goats prefer to eat.
In this program, criminologist Joseph D. Lohman outlines probation as a special alternative to the criminal-making influences of the prison system, stating that probation can effectively replace detention; although it is considered in the public mind as a form of leniency and improperly administered it becomes “beating the rap.” Two men with criminal experience are interviewed to illustrate this alternative. Meeker and Lohman delve into the necessary requirements to make probation an instrument for controlling criminal behavior and if its potentialities for reclaiming those who have strayed outside the social role are to be used to the fullest extent.
Discusses Garrod's work on inborn errors in the metabolism of alcapton and melanin. Shows how chemical pathways in metabolism can be worked out using genetic defects as tools. Discusses the metabolic diseases phenylketonuria and galactosemia and points out that medical treatment causes the retention, and therefore the build-up of defective genes in the population. Presents the one geneone enzyme hypothesis and describes the procedure for testing the hypothesis in question with mutants of Neurospora requiring Vitamin B1 (thiamin). Lecture given by Dr. G. W. Beadle.
Through free expression art activities, a teacher shows how children think, feel, and develop in a year at a Japanese school. Selects pupils from a first-grade class and traces their personality growth and development as it relates to their home life and social-school environment. Indicates that personal problems and predispositions influence the types and variety of children's artistic creations. Illustrates how children can be encouraged to remove deeply rooted fears through art activity and social participation.
Mr. Mikami teaches the art of drawing a human figure using the Japanese equivalent of a “baby sitter” as an example. The figure he draws is a young Japanese girl carrying a small baby on her back. She carries a rattle in her hand to amuse the child and wears a long kimono, Japanese zori sandals, and delicate hair ornaments.
Shows the location and physical features of Greenland; explains its new position in the modern world as the center of the short polar air routes. Portrays the life of the Greenlanders, explains their origin, and describes their change in half a century from nomadic hunters to fishermen living in small permanent communities where life is patterned after the ways of Denmark.
Encyclopaedia Britannica Films, Donald A. Dukelow, Larry Yust
Deals with the actions of community health organizations in their efforts to fight disease. Shows the functions of the department of health in preventing and controlling the spread of contagious diseases as the film follows the developments in a successful attempt to stop a typhoid epidemic in its early stages. Relates the jobs of the school nurse, doctor, laboratory technician, visiting nurse, and food inspector in protecting the community health. Encourages children to observe personal health rules and to keep their homes and towns clean.
Discusses and shows the wide variety of creatures who inhabit the seashore. Explains how they are adapted to the environment in which they make their homes. Presents filmed sequences of the sand flea, clam, sea hare, snail, many kinds of crabs, and other seashore creatures.
Dr. Maria Piers delves into the question of how children learn to talk and think logically. Some of the topics she covers are: What do the “no’s” mean? When does “no-ism” begin? Is there too much or too little cooperative behavior?
Contrasts worlds beyond our own with the world of microscopic living things, represented by protozoa, algae, yeasts, bacteria, and viruses. Refers to man's techniques for controlling bacteria and utilizing their desirable actions in his own service. Includes animation and time-lapse cinephotomicrography.
The grace and beauty of bamboo—familiar subject to all Japanese artists—is captured by T. Mikami as he teaches hos to draw bamboo as it appears on a windy day, starting with the truck, then the slender branches , and finally the leaves. Mr. Mikami also paints bamboo as it appears in the rain and in the snow.
Tells the story of several children who build a snowman and give him a personality of his own. They use a carrot for his nose, but during the night someone steals the "carrot nose" and to discover the thief the children replace the carrot and watch the snowman through the night. They discover that hungry rabbits and deer are the culprits and then place food out for these animals.
WQED, Tom Coleman, Sam Silberman, Frank Stuckman, Albert B. Martin, Dr. Peter H. Odegard
Dr. Peter H. Odegard, head of the political science department at the University of California at Berkeley, delivers the paper he prepared at the time of the inauguration of Edward H. Litchfield as the twelfth chancellor of the University of Pittsburgh. He discusses the role that the universities of the United States must play in the country’s role in the world. He places particular emphasis on the social sciences.
Contains aerial photography, animation, and charts to show methods used by Indianapolis to effect slum clearance. Pictures city officials as they cite the need for rebuilding slum areas and tells of the founding in 1945 of the Indianapolis Redevelopment Commission outlining plans for future development as well as picturing results of past achievements. Points out the cooperative efforts of Flanner House as residents are assisted in the building of new homes, summarizes the accomplishments of the Commission, and views future plans for slum clearance.
Dr. Maria Piers names some of the reasons children should read. She explores what books are best for different age groups and delves into reasons children do not read..
Surveys the problem of human survival in space. Pictures the firing of an Aerobee containing two monkeys and two mice. Shows the reaction of mice to the reduction of gravity pull as the missile leaves the surface of the Earth. Points out that tests show no reason why man cannot fly 37 miles into the atmosphere. (New Mexico College of A.& M.A.) Film.
Discusses the political history of Brazil and her relations with the U.S. Considers Brazilian art, economic problems and potentialities, and the role of U.S. business in Brazil. A photo series presents the land and the people. (WTTW) Kinescope.
This episode focuses on the art of the Etruscans, renowned for their skill in terra-cotta sculpture, particularly in creating larger-than-life figures. It highlights a display of such sculptures, including a heroic-sized warrior. Dr. Dietrich von Bothmer joins Professor Kraemer for a discussion on the techniques and significance of Etruscan art. The episode explores these works in the context of their cultural and artistic contributions.
Shows in detail how the body parts of various animals are related to their eating habits. Includes such examples as the cirri of barnacles, the mouth parts and legs of crayfish, the teeth of lions and cows, the tongues of butterflies, the noses of hogs, the beaks of birds and the paws of squirrels.
At the milestone of nine months, the baby has learned many new things, including how to sit up and to crawl. Safety in the home is of double importance now and a playpen should be purchased at this time. Dr. Wagner discusses proper toys for this age group and the physical and emotional developments of the nine month infant.
Shows a mother with her child in the doctor's office where the baby is examined and mother and doctor discuss feeding, use of vitamins, and general progress of the infant. Discuss the concept of child care that emphasizes guidance and prevention of problems rather than treatment of disease only.
Discusses the activities, needs, and behavior of the one year old. Considers standing, walking, care of the feet, selection of shoes, and toilet training. Points out some of the behavior typical of this age group.
High-powered microscopic shots are used to illustrate the principle that sexual reproduction in simple and complex plants and animals always involves the production and the union of gametes; exemplifies the details of fusion by showing the union of the sperm and egg of a salamander. By means of time-lapse photography, follows the steps in the life cycle of the salamander. Explains that sexual reproduction provides both for the continuation of life and for the variations which benefit man.
Describes various uses of the bulletin board. Shows how to locate and maintain a bulletin board for both instructional and reference purposes, describes the materials from which bulletin boards can be constructed, and explains how to select materials so as to maintain interest in the display.
Continues the discussion of infant feeding begun in MAKING A FORMULA and introduces a mother and a baby-sitter who discusses with a doctor some of the problems and practices in baby-sitting. Points out the desirability of a pre-sitting meeting of mother, sitter, and baby.
Introduces and outlines the twelve-program series AT HOME WITH YOUR CHILD. Discusses the baby's need for space in the home and suggests and shows furnishings for the nursery area. Describes some of the uses of various pieces of equipment in the nursery. (WQED)
Slow-motion and underwater photography are used in demonstrating how swimming students emulate the motins of the dolphin as they learn the dolphin kick, the accompanying body undulations and the butterfly arm action which combine to increase the power of the breast stroke. Educational author, Francis Dixon.
Reviews, through documentary scenes taken from the National Archives, the historic events which led to the entry of the United States into World War II. Records the failure of the League of Nations to take strong action against the aggressive acts of Japan, Italy, and Germany. Highlights the war of nerves, the successive Axis aggression, U.S. Neutrality Acts, the various agreements and pacts, and the declaration of war by England, France, and the United States.
Documentary of events leading to United States entry to World War II. Different stages through which American public opinion passed as events in Europe took place are described.
Shows some of the animals that are found in each of four environments--deciduous forest, evergreen forest, desert, and arctic tundra. Presents the habitats of such animals as sidewinder snake, timber rattlesnake, white-tailed deer, beaver, prairie dog, pronghorn antelope, bison, chipmunk, marten, black bear, and bighorn sheep.
Discusses the Louisiana Purchase and the westward movement which resulted from it. Reviews the role of men such as Lewis and Clark, Pike, Long, and others in the exploratory process. (KETC) Kinescope.
George K. Arthur, David Oistrakh, Aleksander Zarzycki
Presents the world-famous violinist David Oistrakh on concert stage as he plays Zarzycki's Mazurka. Uses close up photography to show the musician's techniques.
Shows the source, purification process, and testing of the culinary water supply of Gary, Indiana. Explains the use of chlorine and dry chemicals in purification and shows the function of settling basins and filtering tanks. Points out that frequent tests are made to determine softness, chlorine content, and purity of the water. Concludes with water going to the city through the pressure pump, water mains, and water tower.
Discusses the contribution of stage costumes to the art of the theater. Follows the costume designer through the initial analysis of the play, the drawing-board, the costume workshop, and to the actual wearing of the costumes. Stresses four basic considerations of costume design: unity, identification, projection, and functionalism. Outlines problems related to action, setting, lighting, and make-up.
Demonstrates the operation and care of the RCA 400 16mm sound projector. Presents detailed instructions for setting up the Junior and Senior models and for initial adjustment, threading, operating, rewinding, and packing up projectors. Demonstrates the cleaning and lubrication procedures for the two projectors and the replacement of tubes in the amplifier section.
Demonstrates the operation and care of the Victor 16mm sound projector. Shows in detail the steps in assembling and threading the projector, demonstrates the 10-hour cleaning procedure for the film track and the optical and sound systems, illustrates the changing of projection lamps, and shows the 100-hour lubrication procedure. Depicts the instruction manual as an audio-visual tool.
A second-grader's experiences during a day without numbers cause him to want to study arithmetic and to realize the value of numbers in his everyday living. All the class but Bob enjoy arithmetic. When a puppet with magic powers offers Bob a day without numbers, he gladly leaves the classroom with the puppet. A series of frustrating experiences caused by the magical disappearance of numbers, such as the disruption of an exciting baseball game, results in Bob's gladly returning to the classroom and the study of arithmetic.
Shows a decontamination squad in England working to make the streets safe from blister gas. Demonstrates the use of anti-gas ointment, respirators, and clothing worn by crews, and explains precautionary measures.
Relates the story of the Auxiliary Fire Service in Great Britain during World War II and shows men and equipment combating a real fire. Then describes the improvements in equipment since the war, and stresses the need for adequate preparation against possible future enemy attack, especially through trained civilian volunteers.
Illustrates various techniques and household arrangements for caring for the convalescent patient at home. Shows ways of arranging the sick room, making the beds, washing and serving the patient, caring for the thermometer, and removing soiled linens. Pictures the distribution of chores among the family members and demonstrates some necessary precautions to prevent the spread of the illness.
Demonstrates how the facilities of a large city library are made available to rural libraries. Shows the library truck from Gary, Indiana, delivering books, pictures, and other materials weekly, free of charge, upon the written request of a small-town librarian. Indicates how such cooperation results in better public service.