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Emphasizes the importance of proper cleaning in the care of teeth, and illustrates how the teeth are affected by excessive use of refined sugar. Identifies the kinds of bacteria that change sugar to acid in the mouth. Demonstrates the use of sodium fluoride solution in the prevention of tooth decay and prescribes specific rules to be followed in the care of the teeth.
Presents Ruth, Jump, Marjorie Gestring, and others diving from a 33-foot tower to show championship form in diving. Pictures Iris Cummings and the Hopkins twins as they demonstrate the breast stroke and crawl.
Slow-motion and underwater photography are used in demonstrating how swimming students emulate the motins of the dolphin as they learn the dolphin kick, the accompanying body undulations and the butterfly arm action which combine to increase the power of the breast stroke. Educational author, Francis Dixon.
National Commission on Safety Education, National Education Association
Economical driving practices are suggested by a service station operator to a boy who has just received permission to drive the family car alone. Includes care of the car's finish, warming up of the engine, proper use of clutch, efficient braking practices, and the effect of acceleration and speed on tire wear and gasoline consumption.
Students demonstrate the procedures that may be applied to fashion a space design. Details the making of an initial sketch, a three-dimensional model, and a final structure. Shows steps in the creation of space design usng metal, plastic, and other materials. Consultant, George Barford.
A second-grader's experiences during a day without numbers cause him to want to study arithmetic and to realize the value of numbers in his everyday living. All the class but Bob enjoy arithmetic. When a puppet with magic powers offers Bob a day without numbers, he gladly leaves the classroom with the puppet. A series of frustrating experiences caused by the magical disappearance of numbers, such as the disruption of an exciting baseball game, results in Bob's gladly returning to the classroom and the study of arithmetic.
Dr. Ray Koppelman, University of Chicago, American Institute of Biological Sciences
Diversity of life resulting from evolution: recognition and treatment of diversity –definitions and taxonomic approaches; results of diversity in the plant kingdom; results of diversity in the animal kingdom, with particular emphasis on the evolution of man; diversity in time –divergence, convergence, extinction, the fossil record diversity in space –ecological relations in a habitat.
Shows a group of children playing three types of games: those which they invent themselves, those learned under supervision but carried on alone, and those dramatic activities which grow out of school activities.
Surveys the problem of human survival in space. Pictures the firing of an Aerobee containing two monkeys and two mice. Shows the reaction of mice to the reduction of gravity pull as the missile leaves the surface of the Earth. Points out that tests show no reason why man cannot fly 37 miles into the atmosphere. (New Mexico College of A.& M.A.) Film.
Columbia Pictures Corporation, Robert Cohn, Arthur A. Ross, Nedrick Young, Will Jason, Vincent J. Farrar, James Sweeney, George Brooks, Frank Tuttle, Helen Hunt, Carter De Haven Jr., Russell Malmgren, Irving Klein, Mischa Bakaleinikoff, Wyonna O'Brien, George Coulouris, Ted Donaldson, Sharyn Moffett, John Litel, Ann Doran, Paula Raymond, Peggy Converse, Flame
Teaching Film Custodians classroom film of excerpts from the 1948 Columbia Pictures Corporation feature film, "Rusty Leads the Way". When 10-year old Danny decides his parents exercise too strict control, he decides to run away from home. His parents help him pack and bid him farewell. Outside the front door Danny decides he has been too hasty and re-enters the house, unaware of their anxiety. The parents' ruse proves successful.
Max J. Rosenberg, Ellis Katzman, Elbert C. Weaver, John A. Skarulis, William H. Pasfield, Herman J. Engel, Robert Braverman, Ross Lowell, Geraldine Lerner, Peter Robinson
Records an experiment in which the molecular weight of a compound is determined through knowledge of the percentage composition by weight of the compound and application of Avogadro's Law. Animation is employed to show the differences in characteristics of two substances of identical composition through reference to the substances' molecular structure.
Jam Handy Organization, Division of Visual Aids, United States Office of Education, Federal Security Agency
Shows how dimpling and countersinking prepare metal for flush riveting, how to operate a dimpling machine, and how to countersink work for flush rivets.
Relates the story of the Auxiliary Fire Service in Great Britain during World War II and shows men and equipment combating a real fire. Then describes the improvements in equipment since the war, and stresses the need for adequate preparation against possible future enemy attack, especially through trained civilian volunteers.
Shows Ivan Pavlov testing his theory of conditioned reflexes by observing the conditioned and unconditioned saliva flow in a dog, feeding fish conditioned to various hunger stimulants, educating a puppy to a meat diet, and observing a squirrel's response to danger. Distinguishes between blind instinct present in all animals from birth and reflex actions set up by conditioning to certain oft-repeated stimuli. Explains the process of checking reflexes and shows its application in the treatment of certain neuroses in human beings.
Tells the story of several children who build a snowman and give him a personality of his own. They use a carrot for his nose, but during the night someone steals the "carrot nose" and to discover the thief the children replace the carrot and watch the snowman through the night. They discover that hungry rabbits and deer are the culprits and then place food out for these animals.
Presents a factual summary of the basic United Nations Organization program for world security in 1945. Clarifies the structure, analyzes the plans, and shows how, by joint action to solve relief, food, and money problems, the world can be rid of conditions that breed war.
Surveys the development of blood transfusion in international medical history from Landsteiner's discovery of the four blood groups in 1901. Shows the setting up of various blood donor and blood bank systems in England and the United States. | Surveys the development of blood transfusion in international medical history from Landsteiner's discovery of the four blood groups in 1901. Shows the setting up of various blood donor and blood bank systems in England and the United States.
Shows the relation between the aftermath of war and the "pale horseman," epidemic disease. Discusses the plight of 100,000,000 displaced persons soon after World War II and the activities of UNRRA.
Contains scenes of the destitution left in the wake of World War II and of the famine and exposure from which so many thousands died. Discusses also the economic importance of food.
Shows a decontamination squad in England working to make the streets safe from blister gas. Demonstrates the use of anti-gas ointment, respirators, and clothing worn by crews, and explains precautionary measures.
Barbara Ann Scott demonstrates the fundamentals of figure-skating. Discusses edges and basic figures and analyzes a number of complex turns. The skater also demonstrates free skating.
Shows a Canadian farm family working together planning how to modernize their kitchen with new appliances and step-saving arrangements. Pictures the kitchen before and after their work on it.
Presents a comprehensive analysis of the paintings of Philip Evergood. Portrays a review of his paintings, as the artist himself comments on them. The film is accompanied by a piano musical score.
Erskine Caldwell, American novelist and reporter, interviewed before leaving Moscow, briefly tells of the civilian defense work he witnessed. Scenes showing how the Russians are carrying out their pledge of "All for Victory!" including efforts in huge metallurgical plants, the oil industry, the rapid harvest, nurses drilling, and Red Cross work.
Portrays conditions leading to the establishment of the Social Security System and explains the subsequent changes in the law that have extended coverage to nearly all persons in the United States. Early conditions in the U.S. permitted persons to move westward during a depression, thereby caring for themselves, their families, and their own aged. Urbanization and industrialization eliminated most of these opportunities and as a result Congress met this need by establishing social security. The eligibility requirements are summarized through presenting a number of cases of persons receiving benefits. Shows the necessity of continued welfare aid to those not eligible for Social Security.
George K. Arthur, David Oistrakh, Aleksander Zarzycki
Presents the world-famous violinist David Oistrakh on concert stage as he plays Zarzycki's Mazurka. Uses close up photography to show the musician's techniques.
Shows a typical day in the life of a model American teen-age boy. His health habits, diet, hobbies, and correct attitude toward work, study and play are all stressed.
Jos Limon and his troupe perform a suite of dances based on Shakespeare's "Othello" with lines spoken by Bram Nossem. Using the structure of a court dance, this interpretation captures the tragedy and passion of the play. Dancers: Jos Limon (Othello), Lucas Hoving, Betty Jones, Ruth Currier.
Shows Sydenham Hospital, in Harlem, the first interracial hospital in the United States. Pictures the work of white and Negro doctors and nurses in helping their patients to become healthy, useful citizens.
As multicolored plastic abstractions swing and revolve, lights create changing, fantastic patterns of colored shadow. Has an original piano score. Made by the American artist in plastics, Jim Davis.
Outlines the advantages of the overhead projector as a visual aid to learning in classrooms, in business, and in industry. Shows the great variety of uses of the equipment, with opaque, translucent, and transparent materials, both in contrasting colors and in monochrome. Stresses the ease with which effective presentations can be improvised through the use of movable graphic components, overlays, polaroid filters, transparent working models, and even chemical reactions in a test tube.
Encyclopaedia Britannica Films Inc., Louis W. Sauer
Shows the day's activities of a child specialist in his office, on a home call, and at a hospital. He makes a physical examination, vaccinates a baby, visits his hospital patients, and diagnoses a case of measles.
Shows that birds that eat seeds have strong bills. Includes shots of the canary, evening grosbeak, junco, indigo bunting, goldfinch, white-crowned sparrow, song sparrow, cardinal, cross bill, and cedar waxwing.
Jim shows Grace how she can use algebra to find out the quantities of red and yellow paint she needs to make enough orange paint to complete some stage scenery. Demonstrates the algebraic steps of observation, translation, manipulation, and computation, and mentions other uses of algebra.
Shows the location and physical features of Greenland; explains its new position in the modern world as the center of the short polar air routes. Portrays the life of the Greenlanders, explains their origin, and describes their change in half a century from nomadic hunters to fishermen living in small permanent communities where life is patterned after the ways of Denmark.
Encyclopaedia Britannica Films, Donald A. Dukelow, Larry Yust
Deals with the actions of community health organizations in their efforts to fight disease. Shows the functions of the department of health in preventing and controlling the spread of contagious diseases as the film follows the developments in a successful attempt to stop a typhoid epidemic in its early stages. Relates the jobs of the school nurse, doctor, laboratory technician, visiting nurse, and food inspector in protecting the community health. Encourages children to observe personal health rules and to keep their homes and towns clean.
Shows in detail how the body parts of various animals are related to their eating habits. Includes such examples as the cirri of barnacles, the mouth parts and legs of crayfish, the teeth of lions and cows, the tongues of butterflies, the noses of hogs, the beaks of birds and the paws of squirrels.
Shows a mother with her child in the doctor's office where the baby is examined and mother and doctor discuss feeding, use of vitamins, and general progress of the infant. Discuss the concept of child care that emphasizes guidance and prevention of problems rather than treatment of disease only.
Continues the discussion of infant feeding begun in MAKING A FORMULA and introduces a mother and a baby-sitter who discusses with a doctor some of the problems and practices in baby-sitting. Points out the desirability of a pre-sitting meeting of mother, sitter, and baby.
At the milestone of nine months, the baby has learned many new things, including how to sit up and to crawl. Safety in the home is of double importance now and a playpen should be purchased at this time. Dr. Wagner discusses proper toys for this age group and the physical and emotional developments of the nine month infant.
Discusses the activities, needs, and behavior of the one year old. Considers standing, walking, care of the feet, selection of shoes, and toilet training. Points out some of the behavior typical of this age group.
Dr. Maria Piers delves into the question of how children learn to talk and think logically. Some of the topics she covers are: What do the “no’s” mean? When does “no-ism” begin? Is there too much or too little cooperative behavior?
Dr. Maria Piers names some of the reasons children should read. She explores what books are best for different age groups and delves into reasons children do not read..
Records the red tape, long periods of waiting, and dehumanizing procedures a young mother from an inner city must contend with to receive routine medical treatment for her child through welfare. Shows the woman being offered a job as an aide with a neighborhood health clinic, making home visits, and acting as a liaison between the community and the professional staff of the clinic. Uses animated charts to show that although the urban center of a city is the most densely populated, it is the outlying areas which have most of the health care facilities.
Division of Visual Aids, U.S. Office of Education, Federal Security Agency, Caravel Films, Inc.
Various kinds of poor supervision practices are shown, including nagging and snooping. By dramatized incidents, the poorer results of these methods are made apparent and the better ways are indicated.
In this program, criminologist Joseph D. Lohman outlines probation as a special alternative to the criminal-making influences of the prison system, stating that probation can effectively replace detention; although it is considered in the public mind as a form of leniency and improperly administered it becomes “beating the rap.” Two men with criminal experience are interviewed to illustrate this alternative. Meeker and Lohman delve into the necessary requirements to make probation an instrument for controlling criminal behavior and if its potentialities for reclaiming those who have strayed outside the social role are to be used to the fullest extent.
Focuses on a lower-income, inner-city dweller to examine urban transportation problems and America's dependency on the automobile. Notes that the lack of mass transit forces the inner-city dweller to purchase an automobile but observes that the only type he can afford is often an older, unreliable model. Discusses, from a middle-class point of view, the decline of mass transit and the need for massive federal funding to establish an economic and efficient transportation system.
Dramatizes, through a single case study, a structure and function of job training programs in urban minority areas. Follows the partial success of George, an unemployed black man, who turns to job training to support his family. Focuses on George's success at finding a good job because of his training and the dilemma he faces when he is laid off.
Shows several youngsters finding shelter upon hearing an air raid alert. Then portrays Ted and Sue, at home when the alert sounds, taking the necessary precautions against an atomic bomb. They cover windows, check the kitchen for fires, and go to the basement to wait for instructions over the battery radio. Next pictures what to do in case of a bombing without warning, as demonstrated by Ted and Sue. They are commended by the warden for their good work.
Shows the advances achieved by biologists through experiments with atomic radiation on plants and animals. Describes the effects of gamma rays on living cells: their growth, rate of reproduction, and hereditary tendencies after exposure. Shows with animated drawings the effects of these rays on chromosomes of living cells and their probable effects on genes. Illustrates how induced cancer is treated with cyclotron bombardment and tells of the search for isotopes which can be administered internally.
Explains, with animation, atomic structure and the basic concepts of atomic energy. Distinguishes between electronic or chemical energy and nuclear energy. Explains the three known forms of atomic energy release: natural radioactivity, nuclear synthesis, and nuclear fission. Illustrates the relationship between atomic energy from the sun and chemical energy stored and released in photosynthesis and combustion.
Discusses the training and functions of the teacher in a world of rapid change. Shows prospective teachers in study and training situations and follows Janet, a student teacher, as she acquaints herself with a classroom, the school and its program and experiences practice teaching. Uses flashbacks to emphasize the points being discussed by the teaching supervisor and Janet during an evaluation of the latter's progress.
A high school boy who is having trouble understanding poetry learns that he should find out about the poet's background, discover what experience the poet is sharing, and watch for such devices as rhythm, rhyme, and alliteration. Includes examples from many poets' works.
Presents a second lesson at the "Presentation Stage" of color work--the pronunciation area. Continues to discuss this well-known system for practicing the pronunciation of speech sounds, in isolation and in combination--"parts" later to be applied to "wholes".
Continues to describe and illustrate the speech model used for explaining both the learning of speech skills and the teaching seen in the entire 42-film series. Follows Face A from "Imitation Stage" to "Production Stage" (where a speech skill is habituated) and finally to the "Automatic Production Stage."
Continues work on the first step of learning "SH", blunting the tongue, at the "Imitation Stage." Shows the pupil achieving a better approximation of pulling the tip into the body of the tongue, and finally achieving correct blunting by keeping the tongue blunted and forward.
Depicts a second pupil beginning to learn "SH" through in-depth teaching, starting with Step 1--blunting--at Face A of the speech model. Examines the pupil's blunting error (pulling the whole tongue back) and his first approximate correction of the error, achieved through shaping.
Describes the criteria for choosing a sound for in-depth teaching. Provides an assessment of a pupil's automatic production of "SH" in words and syllables. Shows the teacher demonstrating the formation and development of "SH" to the pupil. Outlines the steps in learning "SH": 1) Blunt, 2) Close, and 3) Blow.
Provides an orientation to the entire series of 42 films, including descriptions and illustrations of purpose; content; teaching approaches (synthetic/analytic and multisensory); techniques of verbalizaton; and a structure for teaching speech in general situations, as well as specific speech lessons.
Continues in-depth work on the "SH" sound, with tongue blunting on face A of the speech model. Shows kinesthetic practice on blunting. The pupil has reached the "Production Stage" of tongue blunting and is ready to learn the second step of "SH": closing the mouth to the right degree while maintaining the blunted tongue. Progresses through Step 2 on face A of the speech model, consisting of the "Presentation Stage," "Imitation Stage," and "Production Stage." Presents a teacher evaluation of the pupil's errors at Step 2.
Concludes the description and illustration of the speech model used for explaining both the learning of speech skills and the teaching seen in the entire 42-film series. Shows the progressions of learning a speech skill through the three faces of the model (Faces B and C are for generalizing from Face A).
Describes and illustrates a speech model used for explaining both the learning of speech skills and the teaching seen in the entire 42-film series. Demonstrates Face A of the model through the "Presentation and Imitation Stages" including a demonstration of shaping.
Begins the in-depth teaching of "SH" by teaching the first step: learning to blunt the tongue. Follows the learning process through the "Presentation Stage" to the "Imitation Stage," after the teacher's evaluation of the pupil's main error in blunting. Demonstrates two teaching devices.