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Jos Limon and his troupe perform a suite of dances based on Shakespeare's "Othello" with lines spoken by Bram Nossem. Using the structure of a court dance, this interpretation captures the tragedy and passion of the play. Dancers: Jos Limon (Othello), Lucas Hoving, Betty Jones, Ruth Currier.
Shows Sydenham Hospital, in Harlem, the first interracial hospital in the United States. Pictures the work of white and Negro doctors and nurses in helping their patients to become healthy, useful citizens.
As multicolored plastic abstractions swing and revolve, lights create changing, fantastic patterns of colored shadow. Has an original piano score. Made by the American artist in plastics, Jim Davis.
Outlines the advantages of the overhead projector as a visual aid to learning in classrooms, in business, and in industry. Shows the great variety of uses of the equipment, with opaque, translucent, and transparent materials, both in contrasting colors and in monochrome. Stresses the ease with which effective presentations can be improvised through the use of movable graphic components, overlays, polaroid filters, transparent working models, and even chemical reactions in a test tube.
Encyclopaedia Britannica Films Inc., Louis W. Sauer
Shows the day's activities of a child specialist in his office, on a home call, and at a hospital. He makes a physical examination, vaccinates a baby, visits his hospital patients, and diagnoses a case of measles.
Shows that birds that eat seeds have strong bills. Includes shots of the canary, evening grosbeak, junco, indigo bunting, goldfinch, white-crowned sparrow, song sparrow, cardinal, cross bill, and cedar waxwing.
Jim shows Grace how she can use algebra to find out the quantities of red and yellow paint she needs to make enough orange paint to complete some stage scenery. Demonstrates the algebraic steps of observation, translation, manipulation, and computation, and mentions other uses of algebra.
Shows the location and physical features of Greenland; explains its new position in the modern world as the center of the short polar air routes. Portrays the life of the Greenlanders, explains their origin, and describes their change in half a century from nomadic hunters to fishermen living in small permanent communities where life is patterned after the ways of Denmark.
Encyclopaedia Britannica Films, Donald A. Dukelow, Larry Yust
Deals with the actions of community health organizations in their efforts to fight disease. Shows the functions of the department of health in preventing and controlling the spread of contagious diseases as the film follows the developments in a successful attempt to stop a typhoid epidemic in its early stages. Relates the jobs of the school nurse, doctor, laboratory technician, visiting nurse, and food inspector in protecting the community health. Encourages children to observe personal health rules and to keep their homes and towns clean.