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Presents some of the ways in which psychologists are studying the growth and development of personality and emotional behavior in children as observed in the laboratory of Dr. Robert Sears at Stanford University. Explores the interaction between parental behavior and attitudes and the emotional development of children.
Discusses the training and functions of the teacher in a world of rapid change. Shows prospective teachers in study and training situations and follows Janet, a student teacher, as she acquaints herself with a classroom, the school and its program and experiences practice teaching. Uses flashbacks to emphasize the points being discussed by the teaching supervisor and Janet during an evaluation of the latter's progress.
The anatomy of the eye is shown in detail by diagram, regular photography, and cinephotomicrography. Demonstrates how to correct defects in focusing, the approved way of removing foreign objects from the eye, correct lighting precautions, and other measures for good eye hygiene. A silent teaching film.
Discusses and demonstrates the laboratory procedures involved in the production of a 16mm, color, sound film. Follows the camera original film and a quarter inch audio tape through the following procedures: processing the original, dubbing the sound to 16mm magnetic film, making a work print, and edge numbering the original and the work print. Observes the edited work print and magnetic sound track going through the processes of conforming, transferring to optical sound, and color balancing in order to make the composite answer print.
Presents an integrative device for the general teaching (as contrasted with the specific speech lesson) of language and speech. Describes the entire pattern as well as attempting a speech correction. Explains the GLGSP framework for making a learning situation for language or speech or both out of every communication between pupil and adult.
Uses drawings and real photography to depict the origin and nature of the Hawaiian Islands. Shows a recent eruption of Mauna Loa Volcano and indicates how rain, wind, and the ocean have transformed the islands into fertile regions over the centuries.
Illustrates, using animation and live-action photography, man's efforts to learn more about the structure of the earth through study of deep mine shafts, deep wells, volcanoes, and earthquakes. Describes early theories of the earth's structure and the present world-wide efforts to discover more about its structure. Points out means scientists use to study earthquakes, how this study contributes to an explanation of the structure of the earth's interior, and the use of explosion seismology to produce artificial earthquakes. The intense heat of the earth's interior is evidenced in volcanic eruptions, geysers, and bubbling mud. The plan for placing a seismograph on the moon and the "Mohole Project'' are briefly discussed.
Records the red tape, long periods of waiting, and dehumanizing procedures a young mother from an inner city must contend with to receive routine medical treatment for her child through welfare. Shows the woman being offered a job as an aide with a neighborhood health clinic, making home visits, and acting as a liaison between the community and the professional staff of the clinic. Uses animated charts to show that although the urban center of a city is the most densely populated, it is the outlying areas which have most of the health care facilities.
Discusses such topics as superstitions about birth marks and deformities, how to relieve morning sickness, changes in clothing, and how to relax and rest. Contains suggestions for relieving constipation, shortness of breath, and dizziness as they effect the expectant mother.
Indicates the basic principle of the standard plain milling machine. Each part of the machine is named and explained, and some elementary setups are demonstrated.
Jos Limon and his troupe perform a suite of dances based on Shakespeare's "Othello" with lines spoken by Bram Nossem. Using the structure of a court dance, this interpretation captures the tragedy and passion of the play. Dancers: Jos Limon (Othello), Lucas Hoving, Betty Jones, Ruth Currier.
Discusses and shows with charts the female and male reproductive organs and explains their functions. Discusses the role of hormones in sexual maturation and in the processes of ovulation and fetal development.
Demonstrates materials which aid in teaching speech relative to voiced-voiceless-nasal distinction, tongue shape, lip shape, self-monitoring, cleanliness, and stimulus and motivation. Suggests how to procure the aids shown in the Speech Kit films.
Uses newsreel footage to outline the important events preceding the Second World War. Explains Stalin's efforts to build his personal image. Reviews the non-aggression pact signed with the German Reich. Discusses the German invasion of Russia and the joining of the Allies by the U.S.S.R. Tells how Stalin maneuvered at Teheran, Yalta, and Potsdam to make the best possible terms for the Communists. Concludes with Russia's continued build-up of strength and influence throughout the world.
Discusses the care of the mother after delivery and demonstrates exercises designed to aid the mother in rapid and thorough recovery. Points out the changes which occur in the mother's body and emphasizes her needs for rest and for proper diet.
Interprets the challenge to build lasting peace through the development of available resources, sharing of scientific knowledge, minimizing disease, and encouraging world trade. Shows the United Nations as a cooperative attempt to resolve the problems of all mankind, including war, hunger, and disease.