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Describes the criteria for choosing a sound for in-depth teaching. Provides an assessment of a pupil's automatic production of "SH" in words and syllables. Shows the teacher demonstrating the formation and development of "SH" to the pupil. Outlines the steps in learning "SH": 1) Blunt, 2) Close, and 3) Blow.
Examines the third step in producing "SH" in isolation: blowing air across the high blunted tongue. Progresses from the "Presentation Stage" through the "Imitation Stage" to the "Production Stage" using two teaching devices.
Begins the in-depth teaching of "SH" by teaching the first step: learning to blunt the tongue. Follows the learning process through the "Presentation Stage" to the "Imitation Stage," after the teacher's evaluation of the pupil's main error in blunting. Demonstrates two teaching devices.
Continues work on the first step of learning "SH", blunting the tongue, at the "Imitation Stage." Shows the pupil achieving a better approximation of pulling the tip into the body of the tongue, and finally achieving correct blunting by keeping the tongue blunted and forward.
Depicts a second pupil beginning to learn "SH" through in-depth teaching, starting with Step 1--blunting--at Face A of the speech model. Examines the pupil's blunting error (pulling the whole tongue back) and his first approximate correction of the error, achieved through shaping.
Presents a second lesson at the "Presentation Stage" of color work--the pronunciation area. Continues to discuss this well-known system for practicing the pronunciation of speech sounds, in isolation and in combination--"parts" later to be applied to "wholes".
Discusses and demonstrates the laboratory procedures involved in the production of a 16mm, color, sound film. Follows the camera original film and a quarter inch audio tape through the following procedures: processing the original, dubbing the sound to 16mm magnetic film, making a work print, and edge numbering the original and the work print. Observes the edited work print and magnetic sound track going through the processes of conforming, transferring to optical sound, and color balancing in order to make the composite answer print.
Presents an integrative device for the general teaching (as contrasted with the specific speech lesson) of language and speech. Describes the entire pattern as well as attempting a speech correction. Explains the GLGSP framework for making a learning situation for language or speech or both out of every communication between pupil and adult.
Demonstrates materials which aid in teaching speech relative to voiced-voiceless-nasal distinction, tongue shape, lip shape, self-monitoring, cleanliness, and stimulus and motivation. Suggests how to procure the aids shown in the Speech Kit films.
This film takes a dramatic yet comedic look at what makes Indiana University graduates winners: faculty, facilities, courses, and the IU experience. Also discusses how technology can help graduates keep moving and keep advancing in the workplace.
Focuses on a lower-income, inner-city dweller to examine urban transportation problems and America's dependency on the automobile. Notes that the lack of mass transit forces the inner-city dweller to purchase an automobile but observes that the only type he can afford is often an older, unreliable model. Discusses, from a middle-class point of view, the decline of mass transit and the need for massive federal funding to establish an economic and efficient transportation system.
Dramatizes, through a single case study, a structure and function of job training programs in urban minority areas. Follows the partial success of George, an unemployed black man, who turns to job training to support his family. Focuses on George's success at finding a good job because of his training and the dilemma he faces when he is laid off.
Shows the variety of ways animals obtain food and their different types of digestive cavities--fully closed, one opening, and two openings. Examines digestive organs in an earthworm, grasshopper, frog, cat, and bird. Looks at peristalsis in a dog's stomach and the action of the villi in a pigeon's small intestine.
Uses drawings and dissected specimens to compare the nervous systems in hydra, planaria, earthworms, and grasshoppers and shows the response of a paramecium, euglena, amoeba, hydra, and planaria to stimuli. Points out the spinal cord, spinal nerves, and parts of the brain in a freshly dissected pig and makes comparisons between the parts of the brain in frogs, birds, cats, and humans. Illustrates through still and animated drawings the basic elements of the neuron and the pathway of the nerve impulse during a reflex arc.
Records the red tape, long periods of waiting, and dehumanizing procedures a young mother from an inner city must contend with to receive routine medical treatment for her child through welfare. Shows the woman being offered a job as an aide with a neighborhood health clinic, making home visits, and acting as a liaison between the community and the professional staff of the clinic. Uses animated charts to show that although the urban center of a city is the most densely populated, it is the outlying areas which have most of the health care facilities.
One in a series, this film takes a look at creativity as it is exhibited by children with hearing deficits. Each child reads a set of instructions for a creative activity, and each child interprets the instructions differently. Creativity has been defined as responses to the Circles Subtest of the MINNESOTA TEST OF CREATIVITY developed by Dr. E. Paul Torrance.
One in a series, this film takes a look at memory as it is exhibited by children with hearing deficits. Each child watches the instructor use a pencil to tap blocks in varying sequences, then tries to recreate the unique sequence. Memory has been defined as responses to items from the KNOX CUBES TEST.