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Portrays man's callousness towards war and violence by viewing unemotional and noncommunicative men who press triggers on pinball machines in a Parisian bistro and cause real battleships to sink, airplanes to explode, and cannons to blow out the wall.
Traces the history of the classification of animal life. Explains the necessity of scientific classification of plants and animals and the use of Latin in science. Discusses the work of Carolus Linnaeus leading to modern classification. Traces the evolution of the horse as a basis for explaining subdivisions, class, order, family, genus, species, living relations, and varieties, and defining nomenclature.
This film shows excerpts from the three-day subcommittee hearings on patent medicine, antitrust, and prescription drug laws. The bill before Congress, number S-1552, Drug Industry Antitrust Act, is shown through the eyes of the drug industry, although both sides of the issue of overpricing is shown
Discusses the earth as a whole and man's attempts to expand his own knowledge and use of the planet's geography. Traces the geographic growth of man's first movements in search of food, his invention of the compass, the resulting discovery of new worlds, the development of map making and methods of communication and travel. Illustrates the extent to which geography is significant in human affairs.
Shows the community of Lantzville, British Columbia, a cross-section of nationalities and industrial groups, with a drab and neglected school. The interest of a school inspector inspires a complete transformation of the physical plant and the teaching. The pupils enter into the plans enthusiastically and accomplish a great deal; as a result they have increased interest and pride in their school.
Uses animation to illustrate the versatility of the triangular shape. Shows a single triangle dividing, re-dividing, and re-forming into colorful representations of symmetrical and asymmetrical shapes, including stars, cubes, rhombuses, and parallelograms. Concludes with the multitude of forms returning to the basic triangle.
An alternate title to this film is [Immediate problems].
Discusses problems concerning "The Basic Importance of Education--The Citizen's Responsibility," "Science Education--The Teacher," and "Teacher Education--The Basic Goal of Education." Guests include Stephen M. Corey, Dean, Teachers College, Columbia University; Mrs. Rollin Brown, national Parent Teachers' Association official; Jerrold R. Zacharias, Professor of Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; and Roy E. Larsen, president, Time, Inc. Features members of the Educational Policies Commission including Herman B Wells, (EPC chairman), president Indiana University; Benjamin C. Willis, (EPC vice chairman), general superintendent of schools; Sarah C. Caldwell, teacher of biology, Roswell Kent Jr. High School; William G. Carr, executive secretary, National Education Association; James B. Conant, president emeritus, Harvard University, and former Ambassador to the Federal Republic of Germany; Arthur F. Corey, executive secretary, California Teachers Association; Finis E. Engleman, executive secretary, American Association of School Administrators; Lyman Ginger, president, National Education Association, dean, College of Education, University of Kentucky; Philip J. Hickey, president, American Association of School Administrators, superintendent of instruction; and James E. Russell, (EPC secretary). (NETRC and the META) Kinescope.
An alternate title to this film is [Long range problems].
Presents a discussion of "The Humanities," "A Balanced Program," "The 'Elite'," and "Russian Education--Positive and Negative Lessons We Might Learn from the USSR." Guests include Howard Hanson, director, Eastman School of Music, University of Rochester; George L. Kline, Professor of Philosophy, Columbia University; Harrison Salisbury, New York Times editorial writer; Richard Bolling, congressman from Missouri; and Peter Frelinghuysen, Jr., congressman from New Jersey. Features members of the Education Policies Commission including Herman B Wells, (EPC chairman), president, Indiana University; Benjamin C. Willis, (EPC vice-chairman), general superintendent of schools; Sarah C. Caldwell, teacher of biology, Roswell Kent Jr. High School; William G. Carr, executive secretary, National Education Association; James B. Conant, president emeritus, Harvard University, and former Ambassador to the Federal Republic of Germany; Arthur F. Corey, executive secretary, California Teachers Association; Finis E. Engleman, executive secretary, American Association of School Administrators; Lyman Ginger, president, National Education Association, dean, College of Education, University of Kentucky; Philip J. Hickey, president, American Association of School Administrators, superintendent of instruction; and James E. Russell, (EPC secretary). (NETRC and the META) Kinescope.
Discusses such topics as superstitions about birth marks and deformities, how to relieve morning sickness, changes in clothing, and how to relax and rest. Contains suggestions for relieving constipation, shortness of breath, and dizziness as they effect the expectant mother.
Discusses and shows with charts the female and male reproductive organs and explains their functions. Discusses the role of hormones in sexual maturation and in the processes of ovulation and fetal development.
Uses newsreel footage to outline the important events preceding the Second World War. Explains Stalin's efforts to build his personal image. Reviews the non-aggression pact signed with the German Reich. Discusses the German invasion of Russia and the joining of the Allies by the U.S.S.R. Tells how Stalin maneuvered at Teheran, Yalta, and Potsdam to make the best possible terms for the Communists. Concludes with Russia's continued build-up of strength and influence throughout the world.
Discusses the care of the mother after delivery and demonstrates exercises designed to aid the mother in rapid and thorough recovery. Points out the changes which occur in the mother's body and emphasizes her needs for rest and for proper diet.
Interprets the challenge to build lasting peace through the development of available resources, sharing of scientific knowledge, minimizing disease, and encouraging world trade. Shows the United Nations as a cooperative attempt to resolve the problems of all mankind, including war, hunger, and disease.
This is the story of a little girl no bigger than a thumb who is carried away from her home by a frog to be the bride of the frog's son. Thumbelina escapes from the Frog with the help of a rabbit. Mrs. Mouse takes Thumbelina into her home to keep house. Thumbelina finds a bird whose wing is broken and nurses him back to health. When Mrs. Moose decides that Thumbelina should marry Mr. Mole, the bird carries the little girl back to her mother. Mr. Mole then decides to marry Mrs. Mouse. Marionettes are used to tell this all-time favorite.
Demonstrates the strange and contradictory particle and wave behavior of electrons. Suggests that the atomic system seemingly hides any way by which its behavior may be understood. Explains that the scientist has had to approach the study of sub-atomic particles in an oblique manner. Discusses the "uncertainty principle" and the place of "statistical method." Suggests that because atomic behavior can be amplified, the whole world is affected by the statistical probability of atomic behavior. Dr. Teller presents his personal view that the behavior od atoms, like the future, is neither certain nor predictable. (KQED) Film.
Shows, through the play activities of children of different age levels, how they learn and gain physical growth. Presents the infant as needing few toys, the small child as wanting to help at home, and the preschool group as needing much freedom for play. Uses animation to show the imaginative pay of a boy with a toy, and illustrates how adults can impede as well as encourage play activities.
Uses photomicrography and time-lapse sequences to reveal the research technique of nuclear transplantation. Shows how nuclei are transplanted from donor body cells into activated eggs.
Provides an orientation to the entire series of 42 films, including descriptions and illustrations of purpose; content; teaching approaches (synthetic/analytic and multisensory); techniques of verbalizaton; and a structure for teaching speech in general situations, as well as specific speech lessons.
Describes and illustrates a speech model used for explaining both the learning of speech skills and the teaching seen in the entire 42-film series. Demonstrates Face A of the model through the "Presentation and Imitation Stages" including a demonstration of shaping.
Continues to describe and illustrate the speech model used for explaining both the learning of speech skills and the teaching seen in the entire 42-film series. Follows Face A from "Imitation Stage" to "Production Stage" (where a speech skill is habituated) and finally to the "Automatic Production Stage."
Concludes the description and illustration of the speech model used for explaining both the learning of speech skills and the teaching seen in the entire 42-film series. Shows the progressions of learning a speech skill through the three faces of the model (Faces B and C are for generalizing from Face A).
Continues in-depth work on the "SH" sound, with tongue blunting on face A of the speech model. Shows kinesthetic practice on blunting. The pupil has reached the "Production Stage" of tongue blunting and is ready to learn the second step of "SH": closing the mouth to the right degree while maintaining the blunted tongue. Progresses through Step 2 on face A of the speech model, consisting of the "Presentation Stage," "Imitation Stage," and "Production Stage." Presents a teacher evaluation of the pupil's errors at Step 2.
Describes the criteria for choosing a sound for in-depth teaching. Provides an assessment of a pupil's automatic production of "SH" in words and syllables. Shows the teacher demonstrating the formation and development of "SH" to the pupil. Outlines the steps in learning "SH": 1) Blunt, 2) Close, and 3) Blow.
Examines the third step in producing "SH" in isolation: blowing air across the high blunted tongue. Progresses from the "Presentation Stage" through the "Imitation Stage" to the "Production Stage" using two teaching devices.
Begins the in-depth teaching of "SH" by teaching the first step: learning to blunt the tongue. Follows the learning process through the "Presentation Stage" to the "Imitation Stage," after the teacher's evaluation of the pupil's main error in blunting. Demonstrates two teaching devices.
Continues work on the first step of learning "SH", blunting the tongue, at the "Imitation Stage." Shows the pupil achieving a better approximation of pulling the tip into the body of the tongue, and finally achieving correct blunting by keeping the tongue blunted and forward.
Depicts a second pupil beginning to learn "SH" through in-depth teaching, starting with Step 1--blunting--at Face A of the speech model. Examines the pupil's blunting error (pulling the whole tongue back) and his first approximate correction of the error, achieved through shaping.
Presents a second lesson at the "Presentation Stage" of color work--the pronunciation area. Continues to discuss this well-known system for practicing the pronunciation of speech sounds, in isolation and in combination--"parts" later to be applied to "wholes".
Discusses and demonstrates the laboratory procedures involved in the production of a 16mm, color, sound film. Follows the camera original film and a quarter inch audio tape through the following procedures: processing the original, dubbing the sound to 16mm magnetic film, making a work print, and edge numbering the original and the work print. Observes the edited work print and magnetic sound track going through the processes of conforming, transferring to optical sound, and color balancing in order to make the composite answer print.
Presents an integrative device for the general teaching (as contrasted with the specific speech lesson) of language and speech. Describes the entire pattern as well as attempting a speech correction. Explains the GLGSP framework for making a learning situation for language or speech or both out of every communication between pupil and adult.
Demonstrates materials which aid in teaching speech relative to voiced-voiceless-nasal distinction, tongue shape, lip shape, self-monitoring, cleanliness, and stimulus and motivation. Suggests how to procure the aids shown in the Speech Kit films.
This film takes a dramatic yet comedic look at what makes Indiana University graduates winners: faculty, facilities, courses, and the IU experience. Also discusses how technology can help graduates keep moving and keep advancing in the workplace.
Focuses on a lower-income, inner-city dweller to examine urban transportation problems and America's dependency on the automobile. Notes that the lack of mass transit forces the inner-city dweller to purchase an automobile but observes that the only type he can afford is often an older, unreliable model. Discusses, from a middle-class point of view, the decline of mass transit and the need for massive federal funding to establish an economic and efficient transportation system.
Dramatizes, through a single case study, a structure and function of job training programs in urban minority areas. Follows the partial success of George, an unemployed black man, who turns to job training to support his family. Focuses on George's success at finding a good job because of his training and the dilemma he faces when he is laid off.
Shows the variety of ways animals obtain food and their different types of digestive cavities--fully closed, one opening, and two openings. Examines digestive organs in an earthworm, grasshopper, frog, cat, and bird. Looks at peristalsis in a dog's stomach and the action of the villi in a pigeon's small intestine.
Uses drawings and dissected specimens to compare the nervous systems in hydra, planaria, earthworms, and grasshoppers and shows the response of a paramecium, euglena, amoeba, hydra, and planaria to stimuli. Points out the spinal cord, spinal nerves, and parts of the brain in a freshly dissected pig and makes comparisons between the parts of the brain in frogs, birds, cats, and humans. Illustrates through still and animated drawings the basic elements of the neuron and the pathway of the nerve impulse during a reflex arc.
Records the red tape, long periods of waiting, and dehumanizing procedures a young mother from an inner city must contend with to receive routine medical treatment for her child through welfare. Shows the woman being offered a job as an aide with a neighborhood health clinic, making home visits, and acting as a liaison between the community and the professional staff of the clinic. Uses animated charts to show that although the urban center of a city is the most densely populated, it is the outlying areas which have most of the health care facilities.
One in a series, this film takes a look at creativity as it is exhibited by children with hearing deficits. Each child reads a set of instructions for a creative activity, and each child interprets the instructions differently. Creativity has been defined as responses to the Circles Subtest of the MINNESOTA TEST OF CREATIVITY developed by Dr. E. Paul Torrance.
One in a series, this film takes a look at memory as it is exhibited by children with hearing deficits. Each child watches the instructor use a pencil to tap blocks in varying sequences, then tries to recreate the unique sequence. Memory has been defined as responses to items from the KNOX CUBES TEST.
Depicts the five major groups of algae, showing growth, movement, reproduction, and nutritional patterns. Describes the tremendous size range of algae from the giant kelp to the minute forms found in a drop of pond water. Discusses the evolutionary development and the economic and ecological importance of the algae.
Dramatically depicts the plight of the peasants of northeastern Brazil and shows the work of communist leaders (specifically Francisco Julião) in urging open revolt of the people. Reviews the plans of the government for land reform. Describes the attitude of the landlords who apparently care little about the appalling conditions under which the peasants live, but only regard them as lazy and shiftless.
Presents a tour of Paris, indicating points of interest and picturing Parisians as they go about their everyday tasks. Views Paris from atop the Eiffel Tower. Shows a diagram of the city and locates various points on the diagram. French language narration.
Compares the nervous systems of the hydra and earthworm with the complexity of the human nervous system. Details the physiology of the reflex arc and explains the activities of certain brain centers. Pictures laboratory experiments in which the encephalograph is used and explains its functions. Shows application of knowledge to actual techniques in brain surgery.
This program explores the man-machine relationship through the research of Paul Fitts, Julian Christiansen, and George Briggs. It examines how humans handle and process information, as well as the challenges of information feedback between people and machines. The program also looks at human behavior within complex man-machine systems and how insights from these studies have influenced the redesign of equipment to better match human capabilities. The research highlights the dynamic interaction and adjustment between human users and technological systems.
Presents some of the ways in which psychologists are studying the growth and development of personality and emotional behavior in children as observed in the laboratory of Dr. Robert Sears at Stanford University. Explores the interaction between parental behavior and attitudes and the emotional development of children.
Illustrates the variety of environments in which plants survive, and shows adaptations developed by various plants for survival and reproduction within their own environment. The role of man as a mediator of environment is shown as he modifies living conditions of plants, and then must provide protection for them. The viewer is encouraged to search for adaptations in the plant world around him.
Dr. Ray Koppelman, University of Chicago, American Institute of Biological Sciences
Diversity of life resulting from evolution: recognition and treatment of diversity –definitions and taxonomic approaches; results of diversity in the plant kingdom; results of diversity in the animal kingdom, with particular emphasis on the evolution of man; diversity in time –divergence, convergence, extinction, the fossil record diversity in space –ecological relations in a habitat.
Outlines the work of Dr. Howard Kendler, Dr. Tracy Kendler, Dr. Spence, Dr. Harlow, and Dr. Skinner, in exploring the different strategies employed in developing new theoretical concepts about man's ability to learn. Shows how the work of these men has influenced methods of instruction in schools and colleges.
Explains the set-up and operation of the Kodak Pageant motion picture projector. Shows proper placement of components for effective use, threading, focusing, and centering the picture on the screen. Shows techniques for rewinding, forward and reverse opertion, cleaning, and lamp replacement.
Students demonstrate the procedures that may be applied to fashion a space design. Details the making of an initial sketch, a three-dimensional model, and a final structure. Shows steps in the creation of space design usng metal, plastic, and other materials. Consultant, George Barford.
Max J. Rosenberg, Ellis Katzman, Elbert C. Weaver, John A. Skarulis, William H. Pasfield, Herman J. Engel, Robert Braverman, Ross Lowell, Geraldine Lerner, Peter Robinson
Records an experiment in which the molecular weight of a compound is determined through knowledge of the percentage composition by weight of the compound and application of Avogadro's Law. Animation is employed to show the differences in characteristics of two substances of identical composition through reference to the substances' molecular structure.
Describes through the narration of Wang Shen, a teen-age boy of the village of Pingtung, Taiwan, his home life, educational system, improved farming techniques, village commerce and industries and life in the larger city of Taipei. Explains, using an animated map the geographical, topographical and climatic charcteristics of the island. Shows the export crops of sugar and rice being grown and harvested; and also the modern air and rail transportation which has aided in the growth of industries. Taiwan is depicted as a model of development for an eventual "Free China."
Shows the pre-game and half-time maneuvers of the Indiana University Marching Band during two of the 1960 home football games. The band is seen in pre-game activities for the Marquette game and the half-time activities at the Northwestern game. Depicts the combined high school bands' performance during the 1960 Band Day.
Portrays conditions leading to the establishment of the Social Security System and explains the subsequent changes in the law that have extended coverage to nearly all persons in the United States. Early conditions in the U.S. permitted persons to move westward during a depression, thereby caring for themselves, their families, and their own aged. Urbanization and industrialization eliminated most of these opportunities and as a result Congress met this need by establishing social security. The eligibility requirements are summarized through presenting a number of cases of persons receiving benefits. Shows the necessity of continued welfare aid to those not eligible for Social Security.