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WQED, Tom Coleman, Sam Silberman, Frank Stuckman, Albert B. Martin, Dr. Peter H. Odegard
Dr. Peter H. Odegard, head of the political science department at the University of California at Berkeley, delivers the paper he prepared at the time of the inauguration of Edward H. Litchfield as the twelfth chancellor of the University of Pittsburgh. He discusses the role that the universities of the United States must play in the country’s role in the world. He places particular emphasis on the social sciences.
A small boy's curiosity about the source of his new clothing is used in tracing the production of clothing from raw material to the finished product. Shows several of the manufacturing processes by which wool, cotton, silk, nylon, leather, and rubber are made into articles of apparel. Correlated with the book "Beginning German with Films" and accompanying drill tapes by S. Edgar Schmidt and Lawrence R. Radner.
Students demonstrate the procedures that may be applied to fashion a space design. Details the making of an initial sketch, a three-dimensional model, and a final structure. Shows steps in the creation of space design usng metal, plastic, and other materials. Consultant, George Barford.
Max J. Rosenberg, Ellis Katzman, Elbert C. Weaver, John A. Skarulis, William H. Pasfield, Herman J. Engel, Robert Braverman, Ross Lowell, Geraldine Lerner, Peter Robinson
Records an experiment in which the molecular weight of a compound is determined through knowledge of the percentage composition by weight of the compound and application of Avogadro's Law. Animation is employed to show the differences in characteristics of two substances of identical composition through reference to the substances' molecular structure.
Shows the variety of ways animals obtain food and their different types of digestive cavities--fully closed, one opening, and two openings. Examines digestive organs in an earthworm, grasshopper, frog, cat, and bird. Looks at peristalsis in a dog's stomach and the action of the villi in a pigeon's small intestine.
Jam Handy Organization, Division of Visual Aids, United States Office of Education, Federal Security Agency
Shows how dimpling and countersinking prepare metal for flush riveting, how to operate a dimpling machine, and how to countersink work for flush rivets.
This film presents the anatomy, symptomatology, and clinical picture of disorders of nerves. Shots include: unilateral paralysis of masticatory nerve, paralysis of right masticatory nerve, disorders of the spinal accessory nerve, motor fibers supplying sternomastoid muscle, atrophy of the upper portion of the trapezius muscle, scapula alata in paralysis of serratus anticus muscle, motor fibers leaving medulla between olive and pyramid, bilateral paralysis of hypoglossal nerves, scars of gunshot injury bilateraly, slow response to galvanic stimulation, severe atrophy and immobility of tongue, and bilateral paralysis of glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves.
Dr. Ray Koppelman, University of Chicago, American Institute of Biological Sciences
Diversity of life resulting from evolution: recognition and treatment of diversity –definitions and taxonomic approaches; results of diversity in the plant kingdom; results of diversity in the animal kingdom, with particular emphasis on the evolution of man; diversity in time –divergence, convergence, extinction, the fossil record diversity in space –ecological relations in a habitat.
National Commission on Safety Education, National Education Association
Economical driving practices are suggested by a service station operator to a boy who has just received permission to drive the family car alone. Includes care of the car's finish, warming up of the engine, proper use of clutch, efficient braking practices, and the effect of acceleration and speed on tire wear and gasoline consumption.
Presents a record of the successful experiments in resuscitating dead animals conducted at the Institute of Experimental Physiology and Therapy at Veronezh, U.S.S.R., by Dr. S. S. Bryukhonenko. The Institute makes use of apparatus called the "autojector" to carry out the functions of the heart and lungs, and years of pioneering in the technique of resuscitation are climaxed in the sequence showing reanimation of a dog that has been killed. Recommended for use only by individuals or groups professionally concerned with the advancement of science.
Compares the nervous systems of the hydra and earthworm with the complexity of the human nervous system. Details the physiology of the reflex arc and explains the activities of certain brain centers. Pictures laboratory experiments in which the encephalograph is used and explains its functions. Shows application of knowledge to actual techniques in brain surgery.
Discusses the earth as a whole and man's attempts to expand his own knowledge and use of the planet's geography. Traces the geographic growth of man's first movements in search of food, his invention of the compass, the resulting discovery of new worlds, the development of map making and methods of communication and travel. Illustrates the extent to which geography is significant in human affairs.
Describes through the narration of Wang Shen, a teen-age boy of the village of Pingtung, Taiwan, his home life, educational system, improved farming techniques, village commerce and industries and life in the larger city of Taipei. Explains, using an animated map the geographical, topographical and climatic charcteristics of the island. Shows the export crops of sugar and rice being grown and harvested; and also the modern air and rail transportation which has aided in the growth of industries. Taiwan is depicted as a model of development for an eventual "Free China."
Pictures the marshy area in England which has been reclaimed for farming purposes. Explains the problems which the people face when the soil dries and shrinks from the foundations of buildings, when they prepare the land for farming, and when they build roads.
Opens with a picture of a boy fishing and quickly leads up to the fact that, in getting a job, the baits required are personality, training, and experience. Then follows a discussion of these points: know yourself, study vocations, learn of contributions your local school can make to your training, coordinate mind and body, build character on a firm foundation, and believe in opportunity.
Relates the story of the Auxiliary Fire Service in Great Britain during World War II and shows men and equipment combating a real fire. Then describes the improvements in equipment since the war, and stresses the need for adequate preparation against possible future enemy attack, especially through trained civilian volunteers.