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An advertisement for Aunt Jemima pancake mixes in which a woman prepares a snack of pancakes and sausages for friends as they sit by a fireplace after coming indoors from the cold. An offscreen narrator describes the process for cooking sausage pieces into pancake mix on the griddle over close-up shots of the meal being cooked. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
An advertisement for Aunt Jemima pancake and waffle mix in which a women serves a group of children at a birthday party a treat of waffles and ice cream. An offscreen narrator extols the product over a close-up of waffles being made in a waffle maker. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
An advertisement for Aunt Jemima apple pancake and corncake mixes, in which an offscreen male narrator describes the products over shots of apple orchards and corn fields and close-ups of pancakes being served. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
An advertisement for Aunt Jemima apple pancake mix in which an offscreen male narrator describes the product over shots of an apple orchard and close-ups of pancakes being served. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
An advertisement for Aunt Jemima buttermilk pancake mix in which a father and son creep to the kitchen to try to make breakfast, only for mother to announce that she's preparing Aunt Jemima's. An offscreen narrator extols the qualities of the product over shots of the mother cooking bacon and pancakes on a griddle. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
An advertisement for Aunt Jemima corncake mix in which an offscreen male narrator describes the product over shots of corn fields and close-ups of pancakes being served. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
An advertisement for Aunt Jemima pancake mix in which a young boy begs his father to wake up so that his mother can start cooking pancakes. An offscreen narrator states that even pancakes made from scratch rarely match the quality of Aunt Jemima's over shots of mother and son cooking the pancakes on a griddle and the family eating them at the table. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
An advertisement for Aunt Jemima pancake mix in which a woman prepares the pancakes for her family and encourages her initially skeptical husband to top them with strawberry preserves rather than syrup. An offscreen narrator states how the product is "good with so many" different toppings over shots of the family eating the pancakes. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
Children play on a playground before rushing inside to eat Aunt Jemima pancakes. As the children eat pancakes a jingle is sung about the different ways to cook and eat Aunt Jemima pancakes.
An advertisement for Aunt Jemima Pancake and Waffle Mix accompanied by a jingle sung by children to the tune of "Yellow Bird." The scene depicts children eating pancakes prepared in different ways. The scene ends with a man narrating and a close-up of the product and a "Q" that represents the Quaker Oats Company.
A group sings a jingle explaining the benefits of Autolite Sparkplugs. Different illustrations and animations provide visual representation of the jingle lyrics.
A Christmas commercial where a family of four rings bells as Avon products fall from the sky. The falling products include items for the mother, father, son, and daughter. The commercial transition to an Avon saleswomen showing a mother and daughter Avon cosmetic products.
An advertisement for Avon in which a female narrator, accompanied by music, describes Avon Christmas gifts for children (both boys and girls). The ad concludes with an Avon representative visiting a home to discuss products with a mother and her children. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
An advertisement for Avon's Somewhere fragrance in which a female narrator, accompanied by music, describes the product as it is displayed by a woman in a cloud setting. The advertisement ends with an Avon representative visiting with the woman in her home. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
The commercial opens with shots of men performing different recreational hobbies. The commercial then transitions to footage of Avon colognes contained in decanters in the shape of different hobbies and interests. The narrator encourages women to buy an Avon product for their significant other this Christmas.
The commercial opens with shots of men performing different recreational hobbies. The narrator states that there is an Avon after shave and cologne for every man. Footage of an Avon salesperson showing a housewife an Avon catalog is also shown as the narrator speaks.
An advertisement for Avon's Skin So Soft bath oil depicting a woman pouring a bottle of the product into a forest lake and taking a bath in an outdoor bathtub. An offscreen female narrator extols the beautifying qualities of the product and encourages the viewer to ask for more detail from their Avon representative. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
A narrator compares Aziza eye cosmetics to a cougar's "dangerous" eyes. It then shows a women modeling the product while lounging in Middle Eastern/Northern African stylized clothes and bed.