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An advertisement for Alcoa Aluminum for cars in which an animated dog and a family drive a car around as a male narrator discusses various parts of the car that are made out of aluminum. The narrator says that a man's new best friend is his car, not his dog. The dog hits the bumper of the car with a hammer to show how strong it is.
An advertisement for Alcoa Aluminum in which a male narrator, accompanied by music, speaks about a Vogue fashion article which featured Kimberly brand clothes and cars made with Alcoa aluminum. Women in designers clothes model in front of various cars. The narrator talks about the wonders of aluminum.
A narrator explains how aluminum shocked audiences for its lightness at the 1855 Paris Exposition where it was introduced. The narrator goes on to explain aluminum different applications and it use in various products.
A baby plays with the lid of a baby food jar. The commercial then transitions to a narrator explaining how Alcoa jars have quality lids which keeps the baby food fresh.
An advertisement for Alcoa aluminum in which a narrator describes the improvements the product makes, and a jingle plays. Submitted for Clio Awards category Short Spots.
Wine bottles with Alcoa’s pilfer proof caps are open at a dinner, beach, train, and ski resort. A narrator explains how the caps keeps the beverages fresh for consumption.
An advertisement for Alcoa aluminum in which a narrator sells a book commissioned by the company called "Schoolhouse," describing how education administrators can use Alcoa products to build new schools. Submitted for Clio Awards category Corporate.
A female narrator forecasts a bright future for aluminum as she lists recently developed products that contain aluminum. The commercial concludes with another narrator asking the viewers to choose Alcoa for all their aluminum needs.
An advertisement for Alka-Seltzer in which a woman gives King Henry VIII the product to relieve an upset stomach following a wedding banquet. An offscreen male narrator describes the relieving properties of Alka-Seltzer as the king rises from his seat to dance after using it. One of the winners of the 1973 Clio Awards.
A man sneezes when animals, dust, and ragweed are presented before him. A spokesman diagnoses the man with allergies and encourages the man and the audience to take Allerest to alleviate their allergies.
An advertisement for Allerest allergy tablets and time capsules presented by a man. The scene depicts various things, animals, and animal products that make you sneeze; each encounter is punctuated by a resounding sneeze sound effect. The scene ends with a close-up of the products and a loud sneeze.
An advertisement for Allstate homeowners insurance in which a narrator stands among the wreckage of a Texas house destroyed by Hurricane Carla in 1961 and interviews the owner of the house, Ben Hargis. Mr. Hargis describes his gratitude for his insurance compensation through Allstate and the speed with which he received a check. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
An advertisement for Alpine cigarettes in which a narrator describes a man named Joe who is watching cigarette commercials and has trouble deciding which product he likes, until he sees an Alpine commercial and it is now his favorite. Submitted for Clio Awards category Tobacco Products and Supplies.
A chef shows the audience that he is able keep his food fresh and preserved by using aluminum cans and packaging. The chef also mentions how aluminum is used in agricultural and transportation industries.
A narrator talks about the vital role aluminum plays in the transportation industry. Footage of aluminum vehicles are shown. The narrator talks about how Aluminum Ltd. supplies the majority of the aluminum in the market and is the most active in aluminum research.
An advertisement for Amana Electric Appliances in which a narrator describes the brand's freezer and refrigerator manufacturing products. Submitted for Clio Awards.