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An advertisement for 7 Up in which an offscreen male narrator describes the product's refreshing features over close-up shots of bottles of 7 Up on ice, an ingredient list on a bottle, and young people smiling and dancing. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
An advertisement for 7 Up in which an offscreen narrator describes how the product is the perfect refresher for a busy business executive's work day over humorously re-appropriated footage from silent-era films. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
An advertisement for 7 Up in which a man and woman are thwarted in their attempts to flirt with each other on a bus and a cafe, before finally meeting in their shared work office and going out to a restaurant. An offscreen narrator repeats how it is "always 7 Up time" and praises the qualities of the product as the man and woman drink bottles of 7 Up at the restaurant. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
An advertisement for 7 Up in which a narrator named Eloise talks about her routine for preparing lunch and a 7 Up before talking on the phone. Still sketches of Eloise by cartoonist George Clark accompany the narration. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
An advertisement for 7 Up in which an offscreen male narrator lists a variety of situations that are perfect for drinking the product, such as sightseeing, friend gatherings, barbecues, etc. Shots of 7 Up bottles in different home and recreational settings are interspersed with stock footage from silent-era movies. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
An advertisement for 7 Up in which an offscreen male narrator describes how the product quenches the thirst of suburban homeowners over various scenes of silent-era movie footage. Interspersed among the silent movie scenes are shots of family-size 7 Up bottles sitting in a fridge or standing on a table with glasses for serving. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
An advertisement for sugar-free 7 Up in which an offscreen narrator explains how the product is the latest stage in soft drink evolution. Submitted for the Clio Awards International category.
An advertisement for 7 Up in which an offscreen male narrator describes how the product is perfect for teenagers in various school and recreational settings. Shots of 7 Up bottles in beach, homework, and party contexts are interspersed with stock footage from silent-era movies. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
An advertisement for 7 Up chronicling a woman's life through still stencil portraits as she grows up from 1929 (the year that 7 Up debuted) through the early 1960s, set to the song "Thank Heaven for Little Girls." The ad concludes on an image of the woman entering a maternity ward, while an offscreen narrator urges the viewer to "stay tuned" to part two to find out whether she gives birth to a boy or girl. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
Part two of a two-part advertisement for 7 Up chronicling a woman's life through still stencil portraits from her birth in the early 1940s until her marriage in the 1960s, set to the song "Thank Heaven for Little Girls." An offscreen narrator describes how 7 Up has served three generations of consumers since 1929. Submitted for the Clio Awards.
An advertisement for Baskin-Robbins 31 Flavors ice cream in which a variety of animated characters try different flavors while a narrator describes the company's offerings.
An advertisement for Beatric Foods Meadow Gold ice cream in which a narrator drops scoops of three flavors of ice cream from the top of the Leaning Tower of Piza in order to determine the bounce quality of each variety, and a boy runs to the bottom and takes one of the scoops into a dish and eats it.
This advertisement depicts a young woman walking through an office as men take notice of her. The advertisement contains music and a man narrating the action and speaking to how Diet Pepsi has helped this young woman to be noticed.
The Daily Mail news correspondent Hugh Tomas and Jeffery Bligh provides live coverage of the Mariner 4 satellite and its mission to take pictures of Mars. The commercial advertises the Daily Mail’s ability to provide live coverage of news events 6,000 miles away and that their field correspondents who are oversea can have their article in the paper the following morning.