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The Daily Mail news correspondent Hugh Tomas and Jeffery Bligh provides live coverage of the Mariner 4 satellite and its mission to take pictures of Mars. The commercial advertises the Daily Mail’s ability to provide live coverage of news events 6,000 miles away and that their field correspondents who are oversea can have their article in the paper the following morning.
In a commercial for Midland Bank, words are animated to illustrate their definitions which aids the narrator’s pitch and highlights different parts of financial terminology.
Two men dual with flintlock pistols. The dual ends in a draw as both bullets are stopped by a sheet of plexiglass. The commercial then shows plexiglass being used in commercial products and construction.
A female narrator forecasts a bright future for aluminum as she lists recently developed products that contain aluminum. The commercial concludes with another narrator asking the viewers to choose Alcoa for all their aluminum needs.
A chef shows the audience that he is able keep his food fresh and preserved by using aluminum cans and packaging. The chef also mentions how aluminum is used in agricultural and transportation industries.
A narrator talks about the vital role aluminum plays in the transportation industry. Footage of aluminum vehicles are shown. The narrator talks about how Aluminum Ltd. supplies the majority of the aluminum in the market and is the most active in aluminum research.
Pictures of human hands are shown as a narrator explains how fragile and worn out human hands can be. The commercial then transitions to footage of American Machine & Foundry's automatic machines are shown doing jobs that used to be done by human hands. The narrator states how useful these machines can be to society.