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Module 14 from Applied Communication instructs in how to assess personal interests and skills and how to relate these to job preferences. Also shows where to get additional training.
Promotional overview of the Agency for Instructional Technology series Amigos describing its application and use in the classroom. Includes scenes from a "Amigos Utilization Workshop" held at the Stardust in Las Vegas on 8-5-93.
Episode 16 of It Figures, a 28-part mathematics series for fourth graders. Each episode introduces real-life situations involving math concepts that can, at times, prove difficult. Often a child gets caught in the problem that does not come out successfully, but experience proves the best teacher. Capsizing the information taught in each program is a cartoon sequence. These cartoons provide previews of what follows from a live-action sequence. The content of It Figures was developed by a consortium of 31 state and provincial education agencies. Managing the project were Ed Cohen and the late Larry Walcoff. Individual programs were produced by Larry Wood Productions (in the facilities of KLVX in Las Vegas), the Illinois State Board of Education, New Jersey Network (NJN), KLCS in Los Angeles, Maryland Instructional Television and South Carolina ETV.
Episode 11 of It Figures, a 28-part mathematics series for fourth graders. Each episode introduces real-life situations involving math concepts that can, at times, prove difficult. Often a child gets caught in the problem that does not come out successfully, but experience proves the best teacher. Capsizing the information taught in each program is a cartoon sequence. These cartoons provide previews of what follows from a live-action sequence. The content of It Figures was developed by a consortium of 31 state and provincial education agencies. Managing the project were Ed Cohen and the late Larry Walcoff. Individual programs were produced by Larry Wood Productions (in the facilities of KLVX in Las Vegas), the Illinois State Board of Education, New Jersey Network (NJN), KLCS in Los Angeles, Maryland Instructional Television and South Carolina ETV.
Episode 7 of Thinkabout, a series of sixty programs to help students in 5th and 6th grade become independent learners and problem solvers by strengthening their reasoning skills and reviewing and reinforcing their language arts, mathematics and study skills. The series is broken up into thirteen themes: Finding Alternative, Estimating & Approximating, Giving & Getting Meaning, Collecting Information, Finding Patterns, Generalizing, Sequence and Scheduling, Using Criteria, Reshaping Information, Judging Information, Communicating Effectively and Solving Problems.
Episode 4 of It Figures, a 28-part mathematics series for fourth graders. Each episode introduces real-life situations involving math concepts that can, at times, prove difficult. Often a child gets caught in the problem that does not come out successfully, but experience proves the best teacher. Capsizing the information taught in each program is a cartoon sequence. These cartoons provide previews of what follows from a live-action sequence. The content of It Figures was developed by a consortium of 31 state and provincial education agencies. Managing the project were Ed Cohen and the late Larry Walcoff. Individual programs were produced by Larry Wood Productions (in the facilities of KLVX in Las Vegas), the Illinois State Board of Education, New Jersey Network (NJN), KLCS in Los Angeles, Maryland Instructional Television and South Carolina ETV.
Episode 2 in the sub series "Demonstration" from the program Every Child Can Succeed, a series of video programs with facilitators' guides that are designed to show schools how to help disadvantaged students achieve academic success.
Episode 7 of It Figures, a 28-part mathematics series for fourth graders. Each episode introduces real-life situations involving math concepts that can, at times, prove difficult. Often a child gets caught in the problem that does not come out successfully, but experience proves the best teacher. Capsizing the information taught in each program is a cartoon sequence. These cartoons provide previews of what follows from a live-action sequence. The content of It Figures was developed by a consortium of 31 state and provincial education agencies. Managing the project were Ed Cohen and the late Larry Walcoff. Individual programs were produced by Larry Wood Productions (in the facilities of KLVX in Las Vegas), the Illinois State Board of Education, New Jersey Network (NJN), KLCS in Los Angeles, Maryland Instructional Television and South Carolina ETV.