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Episode 9 from a series of fifteen programs called Well, Well, Well that focuses on health and wellness for children in kindergarten and the primary grades. Hosted by Slim Goodbody (John Burstein).
Episode 6 from the Agency for Instructional Television series In Other Words. In this television program focusing on communication skills, host Stephanie Edwards provides on-camera commentary for stories concerning students' appropriate use of the ideas and words of others in their essays and conversations. A nondramatic segment presents newspaper and television reporters who explain how pertinent quotations lend credibility.
Episode 6 from the Agency for Instructional Television series The Heart of Teaching. Dramatizations are designed to help teachers deal with problems - frustration, anger, isolation, change and pressure. This episode portrays a faculty meeting in which the teachers of a school discuss whether they are a collection of isolated individuals under one roof or a united faculty whose members work together. Focuses on the professional responsibilities of the teacher.
Program 3 of Looking From The Inside/Out series Illustrates why learning to be independent and making decisions for yourself is an important part of growing up. Establishes strategies for enhancing decision making skills: considering consequences and alternatives, gathering information, and learning from mistakes.
Episode 1 from the Agency for Instructional Television series WhatAbout. The programs are grouped according to like skills required for initiating a scientific investigation, collecting data, analyzing, interpreting, experimenting and communicating the results.
Program 10 of Looking From The Inside/Out series teaches what to do when you are being pushed into doing something you do not believe in. Shows some ways to stop feeling pressured and demonstrates various strategies to use when a clean "no" message does not end the pressure. Promotes refusal skills as an effective way to cope with unwanted peer pressure.
Episode 12 from the Agency for Instructional Television series In Other Words. In this television program focusing on communication skills, host Stephanie Edwards provides on-camera commentary for stories concerning the need for specific, positive, and tactful criticism of students' writing efforts. A nondramatic segment presents fiction writer Tom Bethencourt, who comments on constructive criticism.
Episode 5 from the Agency for Instructional Television series American Legacy. Host John Rugg reviews the history of the Tennessee Valley through short scenes from the past: Cherokee land, the British at Fort Loudoun, early pioneers at Rocky Mount, a flatboat trip down the river, and the slow deterioration of the valley's resources. Gives a first-hand look at how the Tennessee Valley Authority helped reclaim the region.
Episode 6 provides viewers with an insight into modern-day wheat farming on both irrigated and dry land in the Great Plains. Shows cultivating the soil, planting seed, harvesting the kernels, and marketing the crop. Highlights the history of the area by showing a sod house and shed, prairie grass, a one-room school, a windmill, and other aspects of prairie life.
Episode 7 shows the mass production of bicycles and automobiles in order to foster an understanding of the importance of the assembly line in American manufacturing. Highlights the ingredients and techniques of making iron and steel. Discusses the innovations of Henry Ford and Thomas Edison.
Episode 8 discusses the history of American rail transport, including the first transcontinental railroad, the gradual shift from passengers to freight, and the role of commuter and subway trains today. Also highlights air travel, showing the control tower, departure lounges, and an air cargo terminal at Chicago's O'Hare Airport. Recreates important moments in the lives of the Wright brothers through a historical vignette.
Episode 2 in the sub series "Demonstration" from the program Every Child Can Succeed, a series of video programs with facilitators' guides that are designed to show schools how to help disadvantaged students achieve academic success.
Episode 1 in the sub series "Demonstration" from the program Every Child Can Succeed, a series of video programs with facilitators' guides that are designed to show schools how to help disadvantaged students achieve academic success.
Part of a series of fifteen programs called Well, Well, Well that focuses on health and wellness for children in kindergarten and the primary grades. Hosted by Slim Goodbody (John Burstein).
Episode 4 from the Agency for Instructional Television series American Legacy. This visit to the southeastern United States discusses the role of tobacco in the growth of the Virginia Colony, the importance of cotton and the fall line in making the Piedmont region the textile center of the nation, and George Washington Carver's research on uses for the peanut. Explores the political and cultural heritage of Williamsburg, Virginia. Hosted by John Rugg.
Module 14 from Applied Communication instructs in how to assess personal interests and skills and how to relate these to job preferences. Also shows where to get additional training.