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Module 2 of Applied Communication demonstrates identifying information needs, locating relevant sources of information and gathering that information efficiently and effectively.
Lesson 14 of Math Works, a program from the Agency for Instructional Technology designed to strengthen and complement existing fifth-grade math instruction. Each of the twenty-eight 15 minute programs emphasizes the application of math skills and problem solving strategies. I features dramatic vignettes involving fifth graders solving math problems that relate to their everyday lives and documentary-style illustrations of people who use math as a normal part of their profession.
The Write Channel is a series of fifteen lessons designed to help teach sentence combining techniques to third and fourth graders. Features animated character R.B. Bugg, a reporter for WORD TV, who receives guidance from the news editor, Red Green, to improve his stories.
Episodes 5-8 of the Agency for Instructional Television series All About You, an elementary course in health education designed for children to help them understand basic human anatomy, physiology, and psychology.
Unedited segments and/or outtakes from episode 15, Problem Solving: Guess Check, and Revise from the Agency for Instructional Technology series Solve It.
Episode 3 of Readit. Host John Robbins introduces the story about a junior girl detective who investigates the mysterious noises that are coming from the apartment next door. Designed to encourage students to read the book.
Episode 5 of the Agency for Instructional Television series Across Cultures. Shows how the life-styles of different groups of people throughout the world are shaped by the physical environment. Looks at the Baoulé people in the village of Yrakrou, Ivory Coast, where the N'zi River supplies water for drinking, bathing, irrigation, and transportation, but also poses a threat because of seasonal flooding. In Chihuahua, Mexico, the Tarahumara's water supply is polluted and causes intestinal infections that are often fatal to children. The Japanese environment requires living in very limited space and adjusting to the constant threat of earthquakes.Hosted by John Robbins. Produced for Wisconsin Educational Television Network and Agency for Instructional Television by Positive Image Productions, Inc., in association with Academy for Research, Instruction and Educational Systems.
Module 4 of Applied Communication interviews employees describing learning to communicate and solve problems when beginning a job. Offers demonstrations in specific occupations.
Episode 4 from the Agency for Instructional Technology series Global Geography. The program is a joint project of the National Council for Geographic Education, the Association of American Geographers, the American Geographical Society, and the National Geographic Society. Intended for grades 6-9.
Episodes 9-12 of the Agency for Instructional Television Series All About You, an elementary course in health education designed for children to help them understand basic human anatomy, physiology, and psychology.
Episode 14 from the Agency for Instructional Television series American Legacy. Host John Rugg reviews the exploration and settlement of the American Northwest, including the Columbia River, the Lewis and Clark expedition, and the Oregon Trail. Emphasizes the region's major industries, namely, lumber products and aircraft manufacturing.
Episode 13 from the Agency for Instructional Television series American Legacy. Host John Rugg discusses the conditions in desert regions where little or no water is available, focusing on California; the problems faced by early explorer Jedediah Smith, who crossed the Mojave Desert in 1826; and the dependency of California's Imperial Valley and the city of Los Angeles on water from outside sources.
Episode 2 of the Agency for Instructional Television series American Legacy. Shows fishermen along the New England coast and in the Atlantic catching lobster.