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Indiana University. Archives of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories.
Interview topics include prewar religious life in Chernihiv, linguistic and dialectological discussion of the Yiddish language, cultural terminology, Yiddish education, postwar religious life, repression of Jewish life under Khrushchev, contemporary religious life, holiday traditions, food customs, holiday games, life on a kolkhoz, Yiddish theater, Jewish weddings, the Jewish cemetery of Chernihiv, Jewish sites and buildings. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
Indiana University. Archives of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories.
Interview topics include childhood memories, Jewish weddings, postwar Yiddish culture, holiday celebrations, religious education, contemporary religious life, prewar Jewish life in Novoselitsa, Zionist organizations, Sovietization of Ivano-Frankivs'k, life during World War II, Yiddish songs, imprisonment in the Stanislav and Bershad ghettoes, service in the Red Army, linguistic and dialectological discussion of the Yiddish language, contemporary Jewish life and food customs, life in the 1930s under Romanian occupation, Sabbath celebrations, interviews with congregants at the local synagogue, Yiddish books and newspapers in the Soviet period. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note that collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
Indiana University. Archives of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories.
Interview topics include the contemporary Jewish community in Kolomyya, education in a yeshiva, Sabbath and Passover celebrations, kosher recipes, Yiddish, Romanian, and Russian songs, cultural terminology, religious pilgrimages, Jewish blessings, sociolinguistic and dialectological discussion of the Yiddish language, holiday traditions, relations with non-Jews, Yiddish theater troupes, Yiddish literature, Yiddish idioms, Jewish politics in America, Israel, and post-Soviet Ukraine, geography of the Kolomyya region and shift of political borders in Bukovina, prewar Jewish life in Kolomyya, parts of the traditional liturgy, day-to-day operations of Kolomyya's current synagogue, folk legends, prewar Jewish life in a shtetl, Zionist activity in Kolomyya, folk medicine, conversion to Judaism, prewar interethnic relations, service in the Red Army, Jewish life during Soviet rule in 1939-41, Hebrew songs and dances, work in the Turkmenistan oil fields during World War II, Jewish weddings, postwar religious life in Kolomyya, local antisemitism, imprisonment in a ghetto in 1941-42, prewar organizations and politicians, non-Jewish Yiddish speakers, postwar weddings in Kolomyya, the Soviet Yiddish press. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
Indiana University. Archives of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories.
Interview topics include family life, work as a typesetter, prewar education, attending religious school, religious life in Izyaslav before World War II, Passover celebrations, dialectological questions, Bar-Mitzvah, evacuation to Uzbekistan during the war, Yiddish language, synagogues in the 1930s, attending Russian school after the war, circumcision ceremony in Samarkand, religious life after the war and today, Yiddish songs, making curtains out of paper, military service during World War I, Criminal Investigation Department (CID), life during evacuation, Sabbath celebrations, Great Hunger of 1932, school years, speaking and reading Yiddish, working for the police force, Kotovsky partisan brigade, Russian Jewish poetry. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
Indiana University. Archives of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories.
Interview topics include war medals, Jewish school in Smotrich, Jewish theaters, celebrating Jewish holidays, non-Jews speaking Yiddish, general life in Smotrich, Soviet campaigns against Jewish religion, Red weddings, Jewish court, Jewish cultural life, Yiddish songs, service in the Red Army, Jewish food customs, dialectological and linguistic questions about the Yiddish language, childhood memories, Great Hunger of 1933, Sabbath celebrations, cattle dealing, non-Jews converting to Judaism, Jewish religious customs, history of synagogue, life after World War II, museum of Jewish victims of Nazism, Jewish communal life today. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
Indiana University. Archives of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories.
Interview topics include school education in prewar Polonne, evacuation of Kazakhstan, orphanages, memorialization of mass graves, life in prewar Ukraine, learning Yiddish language and grammar, non-Jews speaking Yiddish, Jewish religious and cultural life in prewar Polonne, Yiddish theater, Yiddish choir, Yiddish songs, celebration of Jewish holidays, Sabbath celebrations, libraries, food customs, Russian songs, Yiddish club, wedding customs, Yiddish dialectology, Peretz Markish museum, life of Peretz Markish. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
Indiana University. Archives of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories.
Interview topics include prewar education, life in evacuation, kolhoz life, prewar homes for the aged, Novosibirsk, prewar synagogues, schools, cultural activities in school, Sabbath celebrations, holiday celebrations, food customs, childhood memories, Jewish life in prewar Shepetivka, Jewish teachers, secretly baking matzos, komsomols, wedding celebrations, dialectological questions, Jewish medicine, serving in the Red Army, working in the post office, pre- and postwar Jewish cultural life. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
Indiana University. Archives of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories.
Interview topics include Hebrew printing in Russia, religious life in Slavuta, education, life during and after World War II, family anecdotes, cultural terminology, the Yiddish press, childhood memories, postwar religious life, relations with non-Jews, Sabbath celebration, Hasidim, holiday traditions, alcohol, contemporary religious life, food customs, linguistic and dialectological discussion of the Yiddish language, Passover celebration, Yiddish theater, tour of the former Slavuta ghetto site, Jewish weddings, service in the Red Army. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
Indiana University. Archives of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories.
Interview topics include linguistic and dialectological discussion of the Yiddish language, life during World War I, education, life during World War II, execution of Jews during World War II, military service, life after World War II, Jewish life after the fall of the Soviet Union, contemporary Jewish life, antisemitism, childhood memories, food customs, Yiddish theater, Jewish blessings, relations with non-Jews, religious customs, Yiddish songs, folk remedies, Polish language, deportation of Jews during World War II, working as a forced laborer in Drogobych, imprisonment at Plaszow, Gross-Rosen, and Buchenwald concentration camps, death march from the Taucha forced labor camp, life at a Soviet prison camp, life as a DP after World War II, bar mitzvahs, work as a musician, the Choral Synagogue in Dragobych. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
Indiana University. Archives of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories.
Interview topics include tour of Jewish historical sites in Lʹviv, contemporary Jewish community in Zhovka, family anecdotes, holiday celebrations, prewar Jewish cinema and theater, customs of the High Holidays, education, food customs, relations with non-Jews, linguistic and dialectological discussion of the Yiddish language, Jewish weddings, burial customs, prayer customs, Sabbath celebrations. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
Indiana University. Archives of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories.
Interview topics include education, prewar Jewish life in Odesa, relations with non-Jews, childhood memories, religious education, service in the Red Army, holiday celebrations, holiday food customs, Yiddish theater, the prewar Yiddish press, life before, during, and after World War II, Passover songs, prewar Hasidic life, local intellectuals, linguistic and dialectological discussion of the Yiddish language, Yiddish literature, cultural terminology, Yiddish songs, contemporary writers and religious figures, prewar religious life, charity organizations, destruction of the Lʹviv cemetery, Jewish weddings, tour of a Jewish cemetery, tour of the former Jewish neighborhood, tour of the community cultural center, prewar youth organizations. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
Indiana University. Archives of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories.
Interview topics include Jewish life in Ostroh, childhood memories, linguistic and dialectological discussion of the Yiddish language, holiday celebration, food customs, Jewish weddings, Yiddish school, prewar cultural and religious life. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
Indiana University. Archives of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories.
Interview topics include linguistic and dialectological discussion of the Yiddish language, military service, relations with converts, Yiddish songs, Jewish holidays, childhood memories, education, non-Jewish Yiddish speakers, childhood games, socialist youth group Shomer Akiva, tour of the local synagogue, contemporary religious services, postwar Jewish life in Rivne, Yiddish theater, Yiddish and Polish-language Jewish newspapers, gefilte fish, Jewish weddings, Jewish drinking practices, saying kadish, Yiddish authors, Soviet Yiddish press, life on a kolkhoz, recipes, food customs, Passover seder, pre-war life in Novohrad-Volyns'kyy, contemporary Yiddish speakers, family anecdotes, life in and escape from Pechera concentration camp, pre-war synagogues in Rivne, service in the Red Army, the 1938 "Makabiade" soccer games, Hebrew press. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
Indiana University. Archives of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories.
Interview topics include Jewish life before, during, and after World War II, memorialization of prewar Jewish life in Vyzhnytsya and postwar Jewish life in Chernivtsi, Yiddish journalism, Yiddish education and language classes, Jewish intellectual life in postwar Chernivtsi, encounters with Yiddish writers, destruction of Yiddish cultural life by Hitler and Stalin, contemporary Yiddish life, persecution of Viennese Jews during the German occupation, childhood memories, Jewish education, family experiences during World War I, contemporary antisemitic press, relations with non-Jews, bar mitzvahs, the Torah, food customs, holiday customs, Yiddish culture after Perestroika, working as a Yiddish writer under Soviet rule, encounters with Jewish intellectuals, life in the Chernivtsi ghetto, linguistic and dialectological discussion of the Yiddish language, Jewish weddings, life in the Slidy ghetto, folk remedies, Yiddish songs, childhood games, political organizations, religious customs on the Sabbath, life in the Tulchyn ghetto, prewar Jewish life in Khotyn, kosher butchery, Purim shpiels, life in the Kopayhorod ghetto. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
Indiana University. Archives of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories.
Interview topics include post-Soviet Jews in the Ukraine, Jewish emigration from their birth country, Jewish Sunday School, service in the Soviet army, learning Yiddish, Yiddish songs, anti-Semitism in the army, Yiddish sociolinguistics and dialectology, Pechera camp, war refugees, discrimination against women in Jewish religious tradition, Jewish wedding customs, traditional Jewish foods, Mohyliv-Podil's'kyy Jewish cemetery, emigration to the US during Tsarist regime, Soviet Yiddish education, traditional religious life, Jewish recipes, making gefilte fish, synagogues, prewar Jewish entertainment, holiday customs, circumcision, Sabbath customs, contemporary war memorials and ceremonies, post-war Jewish life, pre-war traditional Jewish foodways, Yiddish theater, folk remedies, escape from Pechera. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
Indiana University. Archives of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories.
Interview topics include life before World War II, family anecdotes, childhood memories, prewar religious life, education, non-Jewish Yiddish speakers, linguistic and dialectological discussion of the Yiddish language, food customs, Yiddish proverbs and idioms, folk customs, Sabbath celebrations, Jewish weddings, holiday traditions, the Tomashpolʹ ghetto, views on contemporary issues in Ukraine, folk remedies, Yiddish songs, Yiddish theater, the Great Famine of 1932-33. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
Indiana University. Archives of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories.
Interview topics include linguistic and dialectological discussion of the Yiddish language, childhood memories, religious education, evacuation during World War II, prewar Jewish life in Holoby, prewar Jewish life, holiday traditions, Yiddish songs, cultural terminology, prewar conversion of non-Jews, cultural organizations, Yiddish writers, food customs. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
Indiana University. Archives of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories.
Interview topics include life during World War II, escape from the Pechera concentration camp, religious life before the war, matzoh factory, Jewish recipes, gefilte fish, family life, childhood memories, Jewish food customs, learning Yiddish, bath houses, holiday celebrations, youth movements, religious education, Jewish professions before the war, dialectology and terminology, Jewish weddings, Jewish medical habits, life during the Nazi occupation, hiding from the Nazis, Russian partisans, serving as an Army nurse, ambitions to live in Israel, Jewish funerals, Polish schools, Sabbath celebrations, Purim celebrations, childhood memories, origins of Yiddish names, prewar political organizations, memorialization of Jewish mass graves, Drokhenbroyt, Jewish circumcisions, Jewish buildings in Luts'k, synagogues. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
Indiana University. Archives of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories.
Interview topics include learning Yiddish, Yiddish schooling, Jews from Polesskoye, music at traditional weddings, conversion to Judaism, life during evacuation, linguistic data, Yeshiva today, Voleniker Tsaddik, family life, music profession, Jewish anecdotes, Jewish life today, Yiddish songs, work as a military doctor, childhood memories, Bar Mitzvah, reciting the Torah, synagogues, Sabbath celebrations before the war, Passover celebrations, life during military service, Jewish holidays, food customs, Sukkoth, Purim, Simchat Torah, escaping from the ghetto in Minsk, Yiddish literary figures, theatrical plays, military service, Russian schools, baking matzos, Lubavicher Hasidim, and Yiddish spoken by Litvakes. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note that collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
Indiana University. Archives of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories.
Interview topics include linguistic and dialectological discussion of the Yiddish language, childhood memories, Yiddish school, Sabbath celebrations, food customs, non-Jewish Yiddish speakers, prewar Passover celebrations, postwar religious life, the Volednicker tzaddik, religious songs, religious education, Jewish prayers, relations with non-Jews, religious services, prewar Hasidim, life during World War II, prewar antisemitism, Yiddish theater, Yiddish writers and books, cultural terminology, evacuation during World War II, proverbs, cemetary customs, saying Kaddish, kosher customs. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.