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Indiana University. Archives of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories.
Interview topics include family anecdotes, prewar Jewish life in Călărași, Yiddish education, holiday traditions, non-Jewish Yiddish speakers, life during World War II, evacuation to the Stalingrad region, cultural terminology, religious life during Soviet times, food customs, folk and healing customs, postwar religious life. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
Indiana University. Archives of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories.
Interview topics include contemporary Jewish life, life in the Obodivka ghetto, family anecdotes, life under Romanian occupation, life in the Dubyna forced labor camp, Yiddish songs, religious education, prewar Jewish life, Yiddish writers, childhood memories, life on a kolkhoz, prewar prayer customs, holiday traditions, food customs, cultural terminology, regional Yiddish dialects, Jewish weddings, memorialization, linguistic and dialectological discussion of the Yiddish language, Passover celebrations, recipes, folk customs, evacuation to Uzbekistan, prewar sports organizations, Yiddish press, prewar ethnic Jewish geography in Chișinău, childhood games, Hanukkah celebrations, prewar drinking customs, imprisonment in the Vertiujeni and Berlivka camps, postwar Klezmer music, Yiddish theater, Stalinist terror of the 1930s and 1940s, seeking advice from a rebbe, poetry recitation, service in the Red Army, Purim celebrations, Jewish funerals, observance of Yom Kippur, life in a Siberian gulag, Hershl Ostropoler stories, Jewish schools, non-Jewish Yiddish speakers, relations with non-Jews, prewar organizations including Hashomer Hatzair and Poale Zion, Jewish cinema, Hasidic life in Moscow during the postwar Soviet period, differences between Polish and Russian Hasidism, folk customs, the Great Famine of 1932-33, evacuation to Rostov. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
Indiana University. Archives of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories.
Interview topics include family anecdotes, childhood memories, Jewish life in Libshen, education at a Romanian school, Passover celebrations, life during World War II, imprisonment in the Obodovka ghetto, relations with non-Jews, prewar political and cultural life in Rezina, Romanian, Russian, and Yiddish songs, prewar Yiddish culture and theater, life in the Bershad ghetto, cultural terminology and folktales, linguistic and dialectological discussion of the Yiddish language. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
Indiana University. Archives of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories.
Interview topics include anecdotes from work as a teacher, family anecdotes, evacuation to Kazakhstan, life during World War II, childhood memories, prewar Jewish life in Kobylna, life after World War II, life today. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note that collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
Indiana University. Archives of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories.
Interview topics include linguistic and dialectological discussion of the Yiddish language, Yiddish songs, family anecdotes, life in the Bershad ghetto, prewar Jewish life, childhood memories, holiday celebrations, prewar Hasidic life, food customs, Jewish occupations, cultural terminology, Jewish weddings, Yiddish proverbs, military service, klezmer music. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
Indiana University. Archives of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories.
Interview topics include family anecdotes, prewar Jewish life in Susleny, holiday celebrations, food customs, life in a communal apartment, relations with non-Jews, life on a kolkhoz, Jewish weddings, cultural terminology, life during World War II, childhood memories, Yiddish songs, Purim shpiels, imprisonment in the Domanyovka concentration camp, religious life in post-Soviet Moldova, tour of the former Jewish neighborhood. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
Indiana University. Archives of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories.
Interview topics include contemporary Jewish life, family anecdotes, childhood memories, education at a Russian school, life in the Ribnița ghetto, prewar Jewish life, holiday traditions, postwar religious life, the Ribnița rebbe, relations with non-Jews, childhood games, Romanian occupation during World War II, service in the Red Army, Yiddish theater, Jewish weddings, life on a Kolkhoz, linguistic and dialectological discussion of the Yiddish language, the Great Famine of 1932-33, koshering meat, folk customs, local cemeteries, life in the Vastavka ghetto, Yiddish literature, occupational structures, recipes, cultural terminology. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note that collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
Indiana University. Archives of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories.
Interview topics include childhood memories of prewar Vadu-Rashkovo, Soroca, and Sguritzy, family members, school education, prewar religious life, occupations, food customs, cultural life, political organizations, Yiddish songs, folk customs, traditional weddings, and holiday celebrations, including Yom Kippur, Succoth, Simkhat Torah, Hanukkah, Purim and Passover, non-Jews who spoke Yiddish in Dumbraveno; life during the Great Hunger in 1932-1933, family life during World War II, deaths of family members, German occupation, forced marches and labor in Bershad, Rîbnita, Bershadskiy Rayon, Rîscani, Yampil, Cosǎuyi, Rublenita, and Vertiujeni; life after the war, postwar German compensation and life today, reponses to questions about cultural terminology and dialectological questions. Includes singing of Yiddish songs and footage of the Soroca synagogue. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
Indiana University. Archives of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories.
Interview topics include childhood memories, memories of family members, Romanian Jewish school in prewar Stefănesti, Jewish life in prewar Talmaz and Tighina, history of the town of Tighina, including the period under Soviet occupation, occupational structure in Tighina, Jewish press before the war, prewar political, cultural and social life, including libraries and Yiddish theater, social interactions between Jews and non-Jews, prewar religious life, holiday celebrations, including Sukkoth, Hanukkah, Purim celebrations and snippets from Purim shpiels, Sabbath celebrations at home, including food customs, particularly gefilte fish, traditional weddings, folk customs, non-Jews who spoke Yiddish, Zionist groups; life during the war, family evacuation, fighting in the Red Army, fighting near Stalingrad and the march toward Caucasus, military service as a nurse; life after the war, postwar religious life; answers to questions about cultural terminology and dialectological questions. Includes singing of Yiddish songs. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
This collection primarily consists of religious oral traditions and interviews; also a trial, a masquerade, festivals, prayers, praise songs, divination sessions; several interviews with carvers, musicians, and a potter. Other musical items include funeral music, war-songs, bawdy songs, women's songs and folk dance music.