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This item is a set of examples from the collection [United States, North and South Carolina, Georgia, African Americans, 1920s-1930s] collected by Lawrence Gellert. Some content and language may be offensive. The examples have been selected to accompany the monograph, A Sound History: Lawrence Gellert, Black Musical Protest, and White Denial, by Steven Garabedian, published by the University of Massachusetts Press in 2020. The larger collection of Lawrence Gellert recordings are described in the IUCAT record ( ). Some of these recordings were made using a primitive recording device and the audio quality is very poor. Titles are taken from those provided in Gellert's notes or have been created based on the song content. Gellert did not document the names of performers for their safety, and that is why the performers for most of these recordings are unknown.
Yucatec Maya lexical and grammatical elicitation; short texts commenting on customs and local scene. This set of recordings has been signal processed to improve their intelligibility.
The information presented here about each recording in this collection comes from original documentation by the collector. This collection of historical material may contain material that will be offensive to some listeners. Patrons should contact for assistance in getting further access to these recordings.
The collection consists of linguistic and oral history interviews conducted in Yiddish in Budapest in 2006-2009 as part of the Archive of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memory (AHEYM) Project.
Two lectures given by Nigerian composer and ethnomusicologist Akin Euba on traditional and modern Nigerian music. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note that collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
Performances of traditional music derived from the cultural traditions of the Akan and Ga people within various regions in Ghana. Includes a Kete song that is a traditional part of the regalia of Akan royalty, and an example of an Otofo puberty song, Sa yo le, of the Ga-Adagme of Ghana. Songs in the latter style are often heard at graduation ceremonies, including those at boarding schools. Song presentations were based on Haas's work with her Ghanaian teacher, Sowah Mensah.
A large collection of Anglo-American songs including ballads, Child ballads, children's game songs, play-party songs, bawdy songs, sea shanties, sailor's songs, local songs, historical songs, Civil and Revolutionary war songs, raftman's songs, lumbering and hauling songs, railroad songs, wainwright's songs, and white spirituals.
The information presented here about each recording in this collection comes from original documentation by the collector/depositor, Herbert Halpert. Additions by archival staff for clarity are framed in brackets [ ]. The Archives of Traditional Music makes these recordings available for historical and cultural research and users should be aware that any archival collection may contain material that they find offensive.
Indiana University. Archives of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories.
Interview topics include family anecdotes, religious education, Hasidic songs, prewar life in Rohod, non-Jewish Yiddish speakers, Passover celebrations, food customs, Purim spiels, life during World War II, forced labor, imprisonment in Mauthausen, Jewish weddings, birth customs, cultural terminology, gefilte fish, Hungarian songs, memorialization, relations with non-Jews, tour of the former Jewish neighborhood in Debrecen, liberation by the Brtitish Army, tour of the Nyíregyháza synagogue, prewar religious life at the Debrecen synagogue, blessings and prayers, contemporary religious life. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
Indiana University. Archives of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories.
Interview topics include childood memories, including memories of family members and family life, yeshiva education, daily study routine, prewar religious life in Vaja, life in Vaja after graduation, prewar praying customs, purim celebrations, Passover celebrations, traditional weddings, cooking, Rosh Hashanah, healing customs, and prewar Sukkot celebrations; experiences as a forced laborer during World War II, Jewish life after the war, life today, regional geography, and a visit to Auschwitz. Includes responses to questions about cultural terminology, singing of Yiddish songs, chanted prayers, recitation of the beginning of the Four Questions, and Purim shpiels. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
Indiana University. Archives of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories.
Interview topics include prewar Jewish life in Pervomaiscoe, family anecdotes, childhood memories, life during World War II, poetry translation, holiday celebrations, linguistic and dialectological discussion of the Yiddish language, relations with non-Jews, life in the Soviet period, Jewish occupations, childhood games, evacuation during World War II, food customs, Yiddish theater, Yiddish songs, folk remedies, postwar Jewish life, prewar antisemitism, koshering meat, Purim celebrations, tour of the former Jewish neighborhood in Bălți, imprisonment in the Vertiujeni concentration camp, cultural terminology, Jewish weddings, non-Jewish Yiddish speakers, Yiddish sayings. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
Indiana University. Archives of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories.
Interview topics include life during World War II, imprisonment in Transnistria ghettos, family anecdotes, postwar religious life, service in the Red Army, holiday traditions, religious education, childhood memories, food customs, family gatherings, Purim celebrations, wartime antisemitism, Jewish occupations, recipes, contemporary Jewish life, childhood games, Yiddish songs, Jewish weddings, cultural terminology, folk customs, proverbs, poetry recitation. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
Indiana University. Archives of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories.
Interview topics include family anecdotes, prewar Jewish life in Călărași, Yiddish education, holiday traditions, non-Jewish Yiddish speakers, life during World War II, evacuation to the Stalingrad region, cultural terminology, religious life during Soviet times, food customs, folk and healing customs, postwar religious life. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
Indiana University. Archives of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories.
Interview topics include contemporary Jewish life, life in the Obodivka ghetto, family anecdotes, life under Romanian occupation, life in the Dubyna forced labor camp, Yiddish songs, religious education, prewar Jewish life, Yiddish writers, childhood memories, life on a kolkhoz, prewar prayer customs, holiday traditions, food customs, cultural terminology, regional Yiddish dialects, Jewish weddings, memorialization, linguistic and dialectological discussion of the Yiddish language, Passover celebrations, recipes, folk customs, evacuation to Uzbekistan, prewar sports organizations, Yiddish press, prewar ethnic Jewish geography in Chișinău, childhood games, Hanukkah celebrations, prewar drinking customs, imprisonment in the Vertiujeni and Berlivka camps, postwar Klezmer music, Yiddish theater, Stalinist terror of the 1930s and 1940s, seeking advice from a rebbe, poetry recitation, service in the Red Army, Purim celebrations, Jewish funerals, observance of Yom Kippur, life in a Siberian gulag, Hershl Ostropoler stories, Jewish schools, non-Jewish Yiddish speakers, relations with non-Jews, prewar organizations including Hashomer Hatzair and Poale Zion, Jewish cinema, Hasidic life in Moscow during the postwar Soviet period, differences between Polish and Russian Hasidism, folk customs, the Great Famine of 1932-33, evacuation to Rostov. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
Indiana University. Archives of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories.
Interview topics include family anecdotes, childhood memories, Jewish life in Libshen, education at a Romanian school, Passover celebrations, life during World War II, imprisonment in the Obodovka ghetto, relations with non-Jews, prewar political and cultural life in Rezina, Romanian, Russian, and Yiddish songs, prewar Yiddish culture and theater, life in the Bershad ghetto, cultural terminology and folktales, linguistic and dialectological discussion of the Yiddish language. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
Indiana University. Archives of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories.
Interview topics include anecdotes from work as a teacher, family anecdotes, evacuation to Kazakhstan, life during World War II, childhood memories, prewar Jewish life in Kobylna, life after World War II, life today. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note that collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
Indiana University. Archives of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories.
Interview topics include linguistic and dialectological discussion of the Yiddish language, Yiddish songs, family anecdotes, life in the Bershad ghetto, prewar Jewish life, childhood memories, holiday celebrations, prewar Hasidic life, food customs, Jewish occupations, cultural terminology, Jewish weddings, Yiddish proverbs, military service, klezmer music. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
Indiana University. Archives of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories.
Interview topics include family anecdotes, prewar Jewish life in Susleny, holiday celebrations, food customs, life in a communal apartment, relations with non-Jews, life on a kolkhoz, Jewish weddings, cultural terminology, life during World War II, childhood memories, Yiddish songs, Purim shpiels, imprisonment in the Domanyovka concentration camp, religious life in post-Soviet Moldova, tour of the former Jewish neighborhood. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
Indiana University. Archives of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories.
Interview topics include contemporary Jewish life, family anecdotes, childhood memories, education at a Russian school, life in the Ribnița ghetto, prewar Jewish life, holiday traditions, postwar religious life, the Ribnița rebbe, relations with non-Jews, childhood games, Romanian occupation during World War II, service in the Red Army, Yiddish theater, Jewish weddings, life on a Kolkhoz, linguistic and dialectological discussion of the Yiddish language, the Great Famine of 1932-33, koshering meat, folk customs, local cemeteries, life in the Vastavka ghetto, Yiddish literature, occupational structures, recipes, cultural terminology. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note that collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
Indiana University. Archives of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories.
Interview topics include childhood memories of prewar Vadu-Rashkovo, Soroca, and Sguritzy, family members, school education, prewar religious life, occupations, food customs, cultural life, political organizations, Yiddish songs, folk customs, traditional weddings, and holiday celebrations, including Yom Kippur, Succoth, Simkhat Torah, Hanukkah, Purim and Passover, non-Jews who spoke Yiddish in Dumbraveno; life during the Great Hunger in 1932-1933, family life during World War II, deaths of family members, German occupation, forced marches and labor in Bershad, Rîbnita, Bershadskiy Rayon, Rîscani, Yampil, Cosǎuyi, Rublenita, and Vertiujeni; life after the war, postwar German compensation and life today, reponses to questions about cultural terminology and dialectological questions. Includes singing of Yiddish songs and footage of the Soroca synagogue. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
Indiana University. Archives of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories.
Interview topics include childhood memories, memories of family members, Romanian Jewish school in prewar Stefănesti, Jewish life in prewar Talmaz and Tighina, history of the town of Tighina, including the period under Soviet occupation, occupational structure in Tighina, Jewish press before the war, prewar political, cultural and social life, including libraries and Yiddish theater, social interactions between Jews and non-Jews, prewar religious life, holiday celebrations, including Sukkoth, Hanukkah, Purim celebrations and snippets from Purim shpiels, Sabbath celebrations at home, including food customs, particularly gefilte fish, traditional weddings, folk customs, non-Jews who spoke Yiddish, Zionist groups; life during the war, family evacuation, fighting in the Red Army, fighting near Stalingrad and the march toward Caucasus, military service as a nurse; life after the war, postwar religious life; answers to questions about cultural terminology and dialectological questions. Includes singing of Yiddish songs. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
Indiana University. Archives of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories.
Interview topics include childhood memories, family, cheder and yeshiva education, prewar religious life in Valumihei, Baia Mare, Cardo, and Sighetu Marmației, prayer houses and occupational structure, prewar Sabbath celebrations, Perim, Passover, and Hanukkah celebrations, childhood games, traditional weddings, Yiddish dialects, prewar cultural life, Yiddish theater, food customs, including gefilte fish, Zionist organizations, life as a communist; life during World War II, fate of family members and friends, Auschwitz, Birkenau c-sector, forced labor in the Mauthausen concentration camp, forced labor as a soldier, life as a POW; life after the war, contemporary Jewish life, history of the region, cultural terminology and responses to dialectological questions. Includes footage of the Oradea synagogue, examples of Purim shpiels, zemirot and jokes. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
Indiana University. Archives of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories.
Interview topics include childhood memories, family, prewar life in Mihăileni, occupational structure among Jews, Jewish life in the region during World War II, prewar Jewish cultural life, particularly theater performances and synagogues, holiday celebrations, in particular Purim and Purim shpiels, local Jewish library, Passover and Sabbath celebrations, food customs, folk and healing customs; Jewish life after the war, life in Mihăileni today, cultural terminology, and responses to dialectological questions. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
Indiana University. Archives of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories.
Interview topics include childhood memories, life and home before the war, religious education, family members, traditional weddings, occupational structure in Săveni, including prewar synagogues, Purim, Passover and Hanukkah celebrations, including food customs, the Ștefănești rebbe, non-Jews who spoke Yiddish; life during World War II, imprisonment in the Mohyliv-Podilskyy ghetto; life and customs during the postwar Soviet era, postwar Jewish life in Dorohoi and Săveni, postwar Yiddish culture, including theater performances, contemporary antisemitism, responses to questions about cultural terminology and dialectologial questions. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
Indiana University. Archives of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories.
Interview topics include biographical information, including childhood memories, family members, friends, education at a Talmud Torah school and Romanian school, prewar Jewish life in Botoșani, Sulița, and Chernivtsi, including synagogues and mikvas, bar mitzvahs, prewar Sabbath celebrations at home, food customs, in particular gefilte fish, holiday celebrations, including Purim Shavuot, Hanukkah, Passover, and Sukkoth, visiting the Ștefănești rebbe, prewar organizations, occupational structure, cultural life, sports clubs, and the Zionist youth group Drakh Habonim, non-Jews who spoke Yiddish, and traditional weddings, Romanian Yiddish writers, artists, Yiddish songs, and Hasidic life; evacuation during World War II, life in a ghetto from 1941-1944, and forced labor in Tiraspol; life after the war, wedding celebrations, klezmer musicians, healing customs; Jewish life today, recitation of the Four Questions, and responses to cultural terminology and dialectological questions. Collection also includes footage of the Botoșani synagogue, Siret, and the Siret synagogue. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
Indiana University. Archives of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories.
Interview topics include biographical information, including childhood memories, memories of family members and family life before the war, education in religious schools (cheder), prewar Jewish life in Bogota de Sus, Zorein, Cîmpia Turzii, Cluj-Napoca, Dej, and Satu Mare, prewar cultural life, reading in the Yiddish language, Yiddish dialects, and Yiddish songs, Sabbath zemirot, non-Jews who spoke Yiddish, prewar Sabbath celebrations, prayer customs, food customs, in particular gefilte fish, folk and healing customs, holiday celebrations, Purim, Passover, and Hanukkah, traditional weddings; Jewish life in the region during World War II, imprisonment in Nazi camps, including Auschwitz and Geislingen, family member's fate during the war, service in the army, life as forced laborers in various places, including Tighina, Chernivtsi, Orhei, Balti, Balta, Tiraspol, and quarries, Romanian attitudes during the war; life after the war, return to prewar political organizations, including Mizrahi, Hashomer Hatzair, Hasidism and contemporary Jewish life in Hungary and Germany; cultural terminology and responses to dialectological questions. Includes recollections of Purim shpiels and Yiddish songs. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
Indiana University. Archives of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories.
Interview topics include childhood memories of Dorohoi and Burdușani, family members and family life before the war, education in religious schools, prewar Jewish life in Dorohoi, including synagogues, the Ștefăvești rebbe, role as firzogerin, prewar cultural life, in particular Yiddish theater, Yiddish songs, non-Jews who spoke Yiddish, prewar Sabbath celebrations, folk and healing customs, food customs, in particular gefilte fish, burial customs, wedding customs, holiday celebrations, prewar and postwar Purim celebrations, the Dorohoi pogrom of 1940; life during World War II, life in the Mohyliv-Podilskyy and Sharhorod ghettos, family member's fate during the war, forced labor in Tulchyn; contemporary Jewish life in Dorohoi; cultural terminology and responses to dialectological questions. Also includes recollections Yiddish songs and footage of the drive from Mihăileni to Dorohoi, Dorohoi synagogue, and the drive from Dorohoi to Saveni. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
Indiana University. Archives of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories.
Interview topics include childhood memories, family, prewar Jewish life in Podu Iloaiei, and Hîrlau, including Sabbath, Purim, and Passover celebrations, food customs, synagogues in Podu Iloaiei, occupational structure, visiting rebbes in Belcești, Pașcani, Satu Mare, and Ștefănești, prewar education at a cheder, Yiddish-language education, Yiddish literature, and prewar culture; life during World War II, forced labor in the Romanian army, forced labor in Edineț, Brînzeni, Rujnița, Bălți, Halahora de Sus, and Vyzhnytsya, Ukraine, life in a ghetto in the Transnistria region; life and work during the postwar Soviet period; family and life today, religious customs, and responses to questions about cultural terminology. Includes history and footage of the Hîrlău and Rădăuți synagogues, songs, and recitation of Kaddish. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
Indiana University. Archives of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories.
Interview topics include childhood memories, including family, education, prewar Jewish life in Iași, Odobești, Podu Iloaiei, Chernivtsi, Rădăuți, Transnistria, and Bîrlad, occupational structure and Zionist organizations, neighborhoods, market life, folk and healing customs, food customs, including gefilte fish, synagogues, prewar and postwar Jewish and Yiddish culture, particularly theater and musical performances, traditional weddings, holiday celebrations, including Passover, Shavuot, Simchat Torah, Sukkot, Purim, Sabbath celebrations with the local rebbe, prewar Hasidic life, non-Jews who spoke Yiddish; life during World War II, the Iași pogrom in 1941, forced labor in the Romanian army and Sharhorod, work in a quarry, life in the Iași, Ghernivtsi, Mohyliv-Podilskyy, Dzhurin, and Transnistria ghettos, the Red Army, fate of Jews in the region during the war; the postwar Soviet period, postwar Jewish life in Botoșani and Rădăuți, postwar Yiddish language and literature education in Rădăuți, contemporary Jewish life and visitors, cultural terminology and responses to dialectological questions. Includes visits to memorials in Iași, including the Abraham Goldfaden memorial, singing of popular Yiddish songs, and a tour of the former Meransky Synagogue of Iași. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
Indiana University. Archives of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories.
Interview topics include prewar Jewish life in Luduș and Dej, including occupational structure, family members and family life before and during the war, cheder education, Romanian Jewish school, Talmud Torah school, prewar cultural life in Luduș, including performances by Sidi Tal in Luduș in the early 1930s, non-Jews who spoke Yiddish, prewar holiday celebrations, including Passover, Yom Kippur, Hanukkah and Purim, food customs, including gefilte fish, Tisha B'Av; family's life in the region and Jewish life in general during World War II, life in the Turda ghetto and in forced labor at a stone quarry; postwar religious life in Dej during the Soviet period, contemporary Jewish life in Dej, and responses to questions about cultural terminology. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
Indiana University. Archives of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories.
Interview topics include childhood memories, family, education, prewar Sabbath celebrations, zemirot, prewar holiday celebrations, including Passover, Purim, food customs, including gefilte and falshe fish, prewar and postwar weddings, Yiddish writers and prewar Yiddish performances; life during World War II, destruction of local synagogues, imprisonment in a ghetto and deportation to Auschwitz-Birkenau, experiences at Auschwitz, including selections and forced labor, relations between Romanian and Polish Jews in the camp, liberation by the American army in the Mauthausen concentration camp; Jewish life in Sighetu Marației after the war, contemporary Jewish life in Sighetu Marației. Includes town footage and footage of the Sighetu Marației synagogue. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
Indiana University. Archives of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories.
Interview topics include childhood memories, education at a cheder, prewar Jewish life in Ocna Șugatag, including occupational structure, prewar Yiddish cultural life, traditional weddings, theater performances, folk and healing customs, prewar religious life, holiday celebrations, including Yom Kippur, Purim, Passover, Hanukkah, and Sukkot, descriptions of a Purim shpiel and childhood game, prewar Sabbath celebrations, including food customs; life as a soldier in forced labor during World War II, family's life during the war, family members returning from Auschwitz; Jewish life and work after the war, cultural terminology and responses to dialectological questions. Includes singing of Yiddish songs. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note that collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
Indiana University. Archives of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories.
Interview topics include life in prewar Fălticeni, childhood memories, family life and work as synagogue caretaker, Yiddish education at a Romanian school, Hasidic family in Israel, Jewish life in Fălticeni during and after the war, holiday celebrations, including Purim and Passover, relationships with non-Jewish neighbors, traditional weddings, mixed marriages and cultural life in prewar Rădăuți, food customs, healing customs; holiday celebrations at home during the postwar Soviet period, contemporary Jewish life in Rădăuți, Yiddish dialects, responses to questions about cultural terminology and dialectological questions. Includes a tour of the community center and footage of the Rădăuți synagogue. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
Indiana University. Archives of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories.
Interview topics include childhood memories, family, education at a cheder and Romanian school, healing customs, prewar religious life, history of the Suceava synagogues; confinement to the Murafa ghetto during World War II, fate of family members after the war, Jewish life in Dorohoi, contemporary Jewish life in Suceava, and responses to questions about cultural terminology. Includes footage of the Suceava synagogue. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
Indiana University. Archives of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories.
Interview topics include childhood memories, family, religious customs and holidays, cultural performances, education, folk customs, the Ștefănești rebbe, prewar life in Iași and Vatra Dornei, Iași pogrom in June 1941, fate of family members and other Jews in the region, deportation to the Mohyliv-Podilskyy ghetto in 1941, life in the ghetto; postwar Jewish life in Vatra Dornei, the relationship between Jew and non-Jews, contemporary Jewish life, and responses to dialectological questions. Includes footage of the drive from Săveni to Vatra Dornei and Vatra Dornei synagogue. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
Indiana University. Archives of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories.
Interview topics include childhood memories, education at a cheder and Romanian school, life before the war, family, work, family stories and anecdotes about Hershl Ostropoler, food and drinking customs at home, traditional weddings, folk and healing customs, Siret cemeteries, prewar Passover celebrations, Sabbath gatherings, and Purim performances with non-Jewish friends, non-Jews who spoke Yiddish, Zionist organizations, and cultural life; life during World War II, imprisonment in the Bershad ghetto, occupations in the ghetto, daily life, including holiday celebration, particularly Passover, theater performances and prayer services, disease, forced labor, digging mass graves, and relationship between Jews and Ukrainians; contemporary Jewish life in Siret, including postwar Purim and Passover celebrations, food customs at home, religious customs today, particularly yahzeit and visiting the local cemetery.
Indiana University. Archives of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories.
Interview topics from Hungary include childhood memories, family, prewar Jewish life in Vaja, in particular yeshivot in neighboring villages, prewar Jewish press, religious school (cheder) and yeshiva education, religious food customs, comparison between life today and before the war, Sabbath zemirot, holiday food customs, the Vaja synagogue; life and politics today, responses to questions about cultural terminology, life after liberation, and Yiddish dialects. Includes singing of Yiddish songs. Interview topics from Slovakia include childhood memories, family, education at a cheder, family, prewar life in Stropkov, Košice, Prešov, Hanušovce, Topl'ou and surrounding villages, including occupational structure, poverty, prewar holiday celebrations, including Purim, Hanukkah, and Sukkoth, Sabbath and food customs, including gefilte and falshe fish, prewar cultural performances; Jewish life in the region during the war, the Sered̕ ghetto, escape to Pest, Hungary, occupation of Hungary by Germany in 1944, return to Slovakia, forced labor in Zemianske Sady, liberation by the Red Army, escaping the Germans between September 1944 and April 1945; Jewish life today, memorialization ceremonies, contemporary antisemitism, cultural terminology and responses to dialectological questions. Includes recitation of a Purim shpiel, chanting of a liturgical song, and footage of the synagogue in Košice. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
Indiana University. Archives of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories.
Interview topics include ghetto Bershad', Jewish food customs, gefilte fish recipes, Yiddish literature, Yiddish songs, Jewish life today, World War II military service, family, childhood memories, Jewish schools in the Ukraine, Jewish prewar cultural life, Klezmer musicians, Great Hunger of 1933, town of Buki, Passover celebrations, Jewish holiday customs, Yiddish dialectological questions, writing Yiddish, food customs, in hiding during the war in Ternovka, memorialization, Tsadik Nahman of Bratslav, religious life after the war, life under German occupation, Yiddish proverbs, Jewish-Ukrainian relations today, Jewish emigration, Jewish life in America, non-Jewish Yiddish speakers, Hebrew songs, Jewish praying, Jewish buildings, Jewish education, travel to Israel, mixed marriages, Odessa, Yiddish theater, synagogues, and Soviet times. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
Indiana University. Archives of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories.
Interview topics include a tour of the town of Bila Tserkva, the prewar Jewish population of Korsunʹ, contemporary Jewish life in the region, childhood memories, Sabbath customs, food customs, Passover and Purim celebrations, Jewish weddings, prewar Jewish life, non-Jewish Yiddish speakers, linguistic and dialectological discussion of the Yiddish language, life during and after World War II, childhood memories, tour of the town of Korsunʹ, factory work, transition of artisan occupations, contemporary use of the Yiddish language, contemporary relations with non-Jews, relations with non-Jews before and after World War II, recipes, Yiddish education, prewar Yiddish culture and cinema, working as a watchmaker, prewar Jewish occupations and literature. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
Indiana University. Archives of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories.
Interview topics include childhood memories, religious education, work in a factory, holiday celebrations, Yiddish writers, artists, newspapers, and clubs, prewar Jewish life in Nizhyn, contemporary Jewish life, cultural terminology, linguistic and dialectological discussion of the Yiddish language, food customs, Yiddish songs, life after World War II, Sabbath celebrations. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
Indiana University. Archives of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories.
Interview topics include prewar religious life in Chernihiv, linguistic and dialectological discussion of the Yiddish language, cultural terminology, Yiddish education, postwar religious life, repression of Jewish life under Khrushchev, contemporary religious life, holiday traditions, food customs, holiday games, life on a kolkhoz, Yiddish theater, Jewish weddings, the Jewish cemetery of Chernihiv, Jewish sites and buildings. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
Indiana University. Archives of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories.
Interview topics include imprisonment in the Mykolayiv ghetto, prewar Jewish life in Novoselʹtsy, contemporary Jewish life, life during World War II, religious education, imprisonment in the Kosharyntsi ghetto, service in the Red Army, childhood memories, holiday celebrations, prewar Yiddish culture, cultural terminology, traditional weddings, food customs, linguistic and dialectological discussion of the Yiddish language, tour of the former Jewish neighborhood. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note that collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
Indiana University. Archives of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories.
Interview topics include childhood memories, Jewish weddings, postwar Yiddish culture, holiday celebrations, religious education, contemporary religious life, prewar Jewish life in Novoselitsa, Zionist organizations, Sovietization of Ivano-Frankivs'k, life during World War II, Yiddish songs, imprisonment in the Stanislav and Bershad ghettoes, service in the Red Army, linguistic and dialectological discussion of the Yiddish language, contemporary Jewish life and food customs, life in the 1930s under Romanian occupation, Sabbath celebrations, interviews with congregants at the local synagogue, Yiddish books and newspapers in the Soviet period. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note that collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
Indiana University. Archives of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories.
Interview topics include the contemporary Jewish community in Kolomyya, education in a yeshiva, Sabbath and Passover celebrations, kosher recipes, Yiddish, Romanian, and Russian songs, cultural terminology, religious pilgrimages, Jewish blessings, sociolinguistic and dialectological discussion of the Yiddish language, holiday traditions, relations with non-Jews, Yiddish theater troupes, Yiddish literature, Yiddish idioms, Jewish politics in America, Israel, and post-Soviet Ukraine, geography of the Kolomyya region and shift of political borders in Bukovina, prewar Jewish life in Kolomyya, parts of the traditional liturgy, day-to-day operations of Kolomyya's current synagogue, folk legends, prewar Jewish life in a shtetl, Zionist activity in Kolomyya, folk medicine, conversion to Judaism, prewar interethnic relations, service in the Red Army, Jewish life during Soviet rule in 1939-41, Hebrew songs and dances, work in the Turkmenistan oil fields during World War II, Jewish weddings, postwar religious life in Kolomyya, local antisemitism, imprisonment in a ghetto in 1941-42, prewar organizations and politicians, non-Jewish Yiddish speakers, postwar weddings in Kolomyya, the Soviet Yiddish press. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
Indiana University. Archives of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories.
Interview topics include family life, work as a typesetter, prewar education, attending religious school, religious life in Izyaslav before World War II, Passover celebrations, dialectological questions, Bar-Mitzvah, evacuation to Uzbekistan during the war, Yiddish language, synagogues in the 1930s, attending Russian school after the war, circumcision ceremony in Samarkand, religious life after the war and today, Yiddish songs, making curtains out of paper, military service during World War I, Criminal Investigation Department (CID), life during evacuation, Sabbath celebrations, Great Hunger of 1932, school years, speaking and reading Yiddish, working for the police force, Kotovsky partisan brigade, Russian Jewish poetry. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
Indiana University. Archives of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories.
Interview topics include war medals, Jewish school in Smotrich, Jewish theaters, celebrating Jewish holidays, non-Jews speaking Yiddish, general life in Smotrich, Soviet campaigns against Jewish religion, Red weddings, Jewish court, Jewish cultural life, Yiddish songs, service in the Red Army, Jewish food customs, dialectological and linguistic questions about the Yiddish language, childhood memories, Great Hunger of 1933, Sabbath celebrations, cattle dealing, non-Jews converting to Judaism, Jewish religious customs, history of synagogue, life after World War II, museum of Jewish victims of Nazism, Jewish communal life today. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
Indiana University. Archives of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories.
Interview topics include school education in prewar Polonne, evacuation of Kazakhstan, orphanages, memorialization of mass graves, life in prewar Ukraine, learning Yiddish language and grammar, non-Jews speaking Yiddish, Jewish religious and cultural life in prewar Polonne, Yiddish theater, Yiddish choir, Yiddish songs, celebration of Jewish holidays, Sabbath celebrations, libraries, food customs, Russian songs, Yiddish club, wedding customs, Yiddish dialectology, Peretz Markish museum, life of Peretz Markish. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
Indiana University. Archives of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories.
Interview topics include prewar education, life in evacuation, kolhoz life, prewar homes for the aged, Novosibirsk, prewar synagogues, schools, cultural activities in school, Sabbath celebrations, holiday celebrations, food customs, childhood memories, Jewish life in prewar Shepetivka, Jewish teachers, secretly baking matzos, komsomols, wedding celebrations, dialectological questions, Jewish medicine, serving in the Red Army, working in the post office, pre- and postwar Jewish cultural life. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
Indiana University. Archives of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories.
Interview topics include Yiddish educaton, childhood memories, life during and after World War II, Yiddish dialects, working as an accountant, Yiddish translation, Yiddish books and libraries, Yiddish theater, anti-religious propaganda, Yiddish newspapers, financial and health problems, military service, Moscow in the 1930s, antisemitism, Jewish holidays, preparations for Passover, recipes, Jewish professions, pogrom of 1919, contemporary political instability in Ukraine, Jewish theaters and cinemas, Yiddish songs, linguistic and dialectological discussion of the Yiddish language, pre-war Khmel'nyts'kyy, Jewish life after World War II, observance of Yom Kippur, evacuation to Uzbekistan, food customs, the towns of Bila Tserkva and Medzhibozh, attending yeshiva in Derazhnya, pilgrimages to various rebbes, folktales (including specific tales about the Baal Shem Tov), circumcision rituals, Jewish weddings, Yiddish writers, the burning of Yiddish books and Torah scrolls, intermarriage among Jews, development of Yiddish literature, poetry recitation, Yiddish writers outside the Soviet Union, relations with non-Jews, expressions of Jewish identity, nicknames for local Jews, antisemitism in the Soviet Army, the German occupation of Chemerivtsi, life in the Kamʺyanetsʹ-Podil's'kyy ghetto, aid from Jews and non-Jews during World War II, views on Israel, life on a Jewish kolkhoz, the decline of Yiddish language, family anecdotes. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
Indiana University. Archives of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories.
Interview topics include Hebrew printing in Russia, religious life in Slavuta, education, life during and after World War II, family anecdotes, cultural terminology, the Yiddish press, childhood memories, postwar religious life, relations with non-Jews, Sabbath celebration, Hasidim, holiday traditions, alcohol, contemporary religious life, food customs, linguistic and dialectological discussion of the Yiddish language, Passover celebration, Yiddish theater, tour of the former Slavuta ghetto site, Jewish weddings, service in the Red Army. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
Indiana University. Archives of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories.
Interview topics include Jewish education, conversion, prayers, childhood memories, Yiddish writers, Yiddish plays, prewar Jewish life in Olt-Konstantin, kosher butchery, cultural terminology, food customs, gefilte fish, linguistic and dialectological discussion of the Yiddish language, prewar Sabbath and Sukkot celebrations, Jewish weddings, non-Jewish Yiddish speakers, postwar religious life, Yiddish literature, holiday celebrations, evacuation during World War II, postwar Yiddish press, Yiddish poets, Ba'al Shem Tov, Passover celebration, discussion of the AHEYM project. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note that collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
Indiana University. Archives of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories.
Interview topics include childhood memories, work on a kolkhoz, life during and after World War II, the Great Famine of 1933, Yiddish education, Yiddish theater, Yiddish books, prewar religious life, holiday celebration, food customs, Jewish weddings, folk customs, burial customs, linguistic and dialectological questions about the Yiddish language, the Sholem Aleichem Cultural Society, encounters with Sholem Asch, Ben Gurion, and other famous people, Yiddish newspapers, general education, postwar religious life, cultural and food terminology, Yiddish songs, the Stalinist show trials of the 1930s, prewar cultural life in Rivne, Jewish buildings and streets, contemporary religious issues. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
Indiana University. Archives of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories.
Interview topics include childhood memories, life during World War II, military service, bar mitzvahs, prewar Jewish life, Jewish education, Yiddish theater, antisemitism, cultural terminology, sports clubs, linguistic and dialectological discussion of Yiddish language, dreidl making, life in the Fastiv ghetto, holiday celebration, food customs, Yiddish songs, Jewish weddings, the Great Famine of 1932-33, contemporary newspapers. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
Indiana University. Archives of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories.
Interview topics include the contemporary Jewish community, prewar Jewish life in Skvyra, tour of the local synagogue, visit to the burial site of Rebbe Itsik Twersky, memorialization after World War II, Hasidic life to 1917, religious life in the Soviet period. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
Indiana University. Archives of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories.
Interview topics include life before and after World War II, service in the Red Army, prewar cultural and religious life, Jewish weddings, synagogues, Klezmer musicians, relations with non-Jews, childhood memories, holiday and religious customs, linguistic and dialectological discussion of the Yiddish language, food customs, Yiddish education, synagogues in Vinnytsya, Yiddish books and articles, Yiddish writer Itsik Kipnis, linguistic and dialectological discussion of the Yiddish language, cultural terminology, Yiddish poems, imprisonment in the Pechera concentration camp, working as a school librarian, the Great Famine of 1933, the German occupation of Ozarintsy, Yiddish authors, prewar cultural life in Berdychiv, prewar cinemas and Yiddish films, evacuation to Central Asia during World War II, work on a kolkhoz, Jewish weddings, contemporary Yiddish teaching. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
Indiana University. Archives of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories.
Interview topics include life during and after World War II, Polish songs, the Stalinist purges of 1937, circumcision ritual, education, prewar Jewish life, Jewish weddings, Jewish literature, food customs, Yiddish theater, Jewish occupations, recipes, postwar Jewish life, cultural terminology, linguistic and dialectological discussion about the Yiddish language, prayer customs, imprisonment in Pechera concentration camp, Ukrainian school, life on a kolkhoz, Yiddish songs, folk customs, winemaking, life in the Dzegovka ghetto.
Indiana University. Archives of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories.
Interview topics include linguistic and dialectological discussion of the Yiddish language, life during World War I, education, life during World War II, execution of Jews during World War II, military service, life after World War II, Jewish life after the fall of the Soviet Union, contemporary Jewish life, antisemitism, childhood memories, food customs, Yiddish theater, Jewish blessings, relations with non-Jews, religious customs, Yiddish songs, folk remedies, Polish language, deportation of Jews during World War II, working as a forced laborer in Drogobych, imprisonment at Plaszow, Gross-Rosen, and Buchenwald concentration camps, death march from the Taucha forced labor camp, life at a Soviet prison camp, life as a DP after World War II, bar mitzvahs, work as a musician, the Choral Synagogue in Dragobych. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
Indiana University. Archives of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories.
Interview topics include tour of Jewish historical sites in Lʹviv, contemporary Jewish community in Zhovka, family anecdotes, holiday celebrations, prewar Jewish cinema and theater, customs of the High Holidays, education, food customs, relations with non-Jews, linguistic and dialectological discussion of the Yiddish language, Jewish weddings, burial customs, prayer customs, Sabbath celebrations. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
Indiana University. Archives of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories.
Interview topics include education, prewar Jewish life in Odesa, relations with non-Jews, childhood memories, religious education, service in the Red Army, holiday celebrations, holiday food customs, Yiddish theater, the prewar Yiddish press, life before, during, and after World War II, Passover songs, prewar Hasidic life, local intellectuals, linguistic and dialectological discussion of the Yiddish language, Yiddish literature, cultural terminology, Yiddish songs, contemporary writers and religious figures, prewar religious life, charity organizations, destruction of the Lʹviv cemetery, Jewish weddings, tour of a Jewish cemetery, tour of the former Jewish neighborhood, tour of the community cultural center, prewar youth organizations. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
Indiana University. Archives of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories.
Interview topics include life during and after World War II, childhood memories, life in the Efingar Jewish agricultural colony, Jewish holidays and food customs, life on a kolkhoz, prewar cultural life, cinema and theater, prewar religious life, farming life, non-Jewish Yiddish speakers, Jewish weddings on the kolkhoz, cultural terminology, antisemitism, service in the Red Army. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
Indiana University. Archives of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories.
Interview topics include childhood memories, life in Balta during World War II, life in the Balta ghetto, Jewish holidays, life after World War II, food customs,Yiddish songs, Jewish weddings, relations with non-Jews, Purim celebrations, folk customs and anecdotes, Yiddish education, Yiddish journals, Yiddish language acquisition, discussions of cultural terminology and prewar religious customs,Yiddish theater, the Great Famine of 1933, circumcision customs, evacuation during World War II, life on a kolkhoz, cleaning work, working in confectionery, accounting, and export, kosher butchery, work in a coal factory, antisemitism in the army, contemporary Jewish life in Balta. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
Indiana University. Archives of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories.
Interview topics include childhood memories, Yiddish language, Yiddish songs, life during and after World War II, holiday traditions, antisemitism. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
Indiana University. Archives of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories.
Interview topics include service in the Red Army, prewar religious life, private religious gatherings, holiday celebration, food customs, Jewish weddings, cultural terminology, relations with non-Jews, education, postwar religious life in Kotovsk, life during World War II, Yiddish songs, the contemporary Yiddish press, contemporary Jewish life, childhood memories. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
Indiana University. Archives of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories.
Interview topics include life during World War II, childhood memories, tour of the former Jewish neighborhood, prewar Jewish life in Odesa, post-World War II politics, prewar Jewish life in Crimea, postwar Jewish politics regarding Crimea, Stalin's politics, education, Yiddish and Jewish literature, contemporary Jewish life and music, Yiddish culture after World War II, work as a klezmer musician, Jewish weddings, Jewish agricultural colonies, Jewish communists, Yiddish dialects, cultural terminology, linguistic and dialectological discussion of the Yiddish language, the Great Famine of 1932-33, holiday celebrations, Yiddish theater, food customs, gefilte fish, Jewish slaughter customs, tour of an Odesa orphanage, contemporary Yiddish press, life under Soviet occupation, tour of the Odesa yeshiva, working on a kolkhoz, postwar antisemitism, Jews in the Red Army, relations with non-Jews. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
Indiana University. Archives of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories.
Interview topics include Jewish life in Ostroh, childhood memories, linguistic and dialectological discussion of the Yiddish language, holiday celebration, food customs, Jewish weddings, Yiddish school, prewar cultural and religious life. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
Indiana University. Archives of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories.
Interview topics include linguistic and dialectological discussion of the Yiddish language, military service, relations with converts, Yiddish songs, Jewish holidays, childhood memories, education, non-Jewish Yiddish speakers, childhood games, socialist youth group Shomer Akiva, tour of the local synagogue, contemporary religious services, postwar Jewish life in Rivne, Yiddish theater, Yiddish and Polish-language Jewish newspapers, gefilte fish, Jewish weddings, Jewish drinking practices, saying kadish, Yiddish authors, Soviet Yiddish press, life on a kolkhoz, recipes, food customs, Passover seder, pre-war life in Novohrad-Volyns'kyy, contemporary Yiddish speakers, family anecdotes, life in and escape from Pechera concentration camp, pre-war synagogues in Rivne, service in the Red Army, the 1938 "Makabiade" soccer games, Hebrew press. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
Indiana University. Archives of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories.
Interview topics include saying Kadish, family history, family life, childhood memories, memories before, during, and after World War II, Jewish life in Novohrad-Volyns'kyy, non-Jews speaking Yiddish, mass gravesites, Jewish religious life, poverty experienced during childhood, school life, Russian and Yiddish poetry, Passover customs, Jewish holiday customs, gefilte fish, anti-Semitism in Soviet Union, Holocaust memorial, Sabbath celebrations, Communist Yiddish newspapers, prewar Jewish wedding customs, dialectological and sociolinguistic questions, Jewish foodways, local synagogues. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
Indiana University. Archives of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories.
Interview topics include sociolinguistcal and dialectological questions, speaking Yiddish and Ukrainian languages, education in traditional khayder religious school for boys, childhood memories of synagogues, childhood memories, prewar literary tastes, prewar Jewish libraries, local intelectuals and writers, local Hasidic groups, Rebbes, local Nazi collaborators, Polish-language school, Jewish theater groups, Purim observances, mikve ritual baths, Passover celebrations, Podgaytse, Krements' ghetto uprising, memorial in Skalat, military service radio operator, development of political anti-Semitism, Soviets coming to power, Soviet Yiddish newspaper Eynikayt, life in contemporary Ukraine, cemeteries, gravestones used to build roads, kadish, Holocaust memorials, murdered intelligentsia, town history anecdotes, khayder traditional Jewish religious school for young boys, Purim observations, Subbotniki, synagogues, Jewish religious life during the Soviet occupation, Jewish views of Nazi Germany, role of Jews in the Red Army, Ilya Ehrenburg, Shloyme Mikhoels, anti-Semitism in the military, Yiddish songs, Yiddish theater, Simchat Torah, Jewish fire brigade, place of sports in Jewish life, prewar newspapers, traveling peddlers selling Jewish religious books and ritual items, contemporary world Jewry, importance of State of Israel, American Yiddish newspaper Forverts. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
Indiana University. Archives of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories.
Interview topics include Jewish life before, during, and after World War II, memorialization of prewar Jewish life in Vyzhnytsya and postwar Jewish life in Chernivtsi, Yiddish journalism, Yiddish education and language classes, Jewish intellectual life in postwar Chernivtsi, encounters with Yiddish writers, destruction of Yiddish cultural life by Hitler and Stalin, contemporary Yiddish life, persecution of Viennese Jews during the German occupation, childhood memories, Jewish education, family experiences during World War I, contemporary antisemitic press, relations with non-Jews, bar mitzvahs, the Torah, food customs, holiday customs, Yiddish culture after Perestroika, working as a Yiddish writer under Soviet rule, encounters with Jewish intellectuals, life in the Chernivtsi ghetto, linguistic and dialectological discussion of the Yiddish language, Jewish weddings, life in the Slidy ghetto, folk remedies, Yiddish songs, childhood games, political organizations, religious customs on the Sabbath, life in the Tulchyn ghetto, prewar Jewish life in Khotyn, kosher butchery, Purim shpiels, life in the Kopayhorod ghetto. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
Indiana University. Archives of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories.
Interview topics include the invasion of the Germans during World War II, life in a labor camp, escape from labor camp, working in a labor battalion, evacuation, life in the Jewish ghetto, observation of the Jewish holidays, life after the war, religious life in Bar, serving in the Red Army, working in a factory, various religious customs, childhood memories, relationships with non-Jews before and during the war, dialectological and linguistic questions about the Yiddish language. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
Indiana University. Archives of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories.
Topics discussed include childhood memories, school life, fleeing during World War II, Jewish food customs and recipes, occupations for Jews, celebrating Jewish holidays and weddings, synagogue customs, Yiddish songs, making gefilte fish, Jewish food dishes, Hasidic rebbes, contemporary Jewish life, history of Bershadʹ, evacuation during World War II, Bershadʹ ghetto, hardships of war, Yiddish language dialectology, Jewish religious practices, candle lighting, Passover customs, family life, kosher meat, Sabbath practices, liberation of the ghetto, praying techniques, songs from the cheder, Passover Haggadah, history of the Bershadʹ synagogue, return to post-war life in the villlages, Pechera concentration camp, mass shootings, massacres, potato pancakes, carpenter occupation, Hasidic life, Jewish occupations, Jewish klezmer musicians, folk remedies, World War II survival, town of Zhornysche, hiding from the Germans, joining the partisans, life as a bookkeeper, fate of Jews in Odesa, charity in the local community, non-Jewish Yiddish speakers, heating during winter. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
Indiana University. Archives of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories.
Interview topics include life during and after World War II, imprisonment of Jews, forced labor groups, imprisonment in Pechera camp and Bratslav and Nemyriv ghettos, imprisonment in the Mohyliv-Podilskyy ghetto, service in the Red Army, Yiddish education, holiday celebrations, prewar religious life, Ukrainian school, Yiddish prayers, linguistic and dialectological discussion of the Yiddish language, postwar religious customs, evacuation during World War II, life on a kolkhoz, postwar antisemitism, contemporary Jewish press, Jewish weddings, Yiddish songs, Sabbath food customs, circumcision ritual, imprisonment in the Rivne and Zhytomyr ghettos, imprisonment in the Uman' ghetto, the fate of Bratslav Jewish orphans after the German invasion, the Great Famine of 1932, Passover celebrations, prewar religious life, Hebrew terminology, Jewish wedding music, postwar antisemitism. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
Indiana University. Archives of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories.
Interview topics include Jewish cooking, gefilte fish, family relations, observation of Jewish holidays, communism, condition of Jewish life today in Gaysin, evacuation of Jews to Central Asia during World War II, Ukrainian schools, the speaking of Yiddish, the town of Sobolivke, food customs, matzo balls, synagogues, Jewish-Christian relations before the war, dialectological questions, jokes and anecdotes from the town of Sobolivke, Jewish musicians from Bershad, surviving in labor camps in Raygorod, Bratsla, and Mykolaivska, pogrom of Gaysin and Sobolivke, Yiddish literature and theatre, town of Teplik. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
Indiana University. Archives of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories.
Interview topics include family celebrations of Jewish holidays, family life before the war, childhood memories from Tyvrov, Stalinist terror of 1932, religious life and customs in Hnivan' after World War II, family escape during the war, escape from the ghetto, dialectological questions, Jewish weddings after the war, Yiddish speakers in the region. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
Indiana University. Archives of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories.
Interview topics include family life before World War II in Yanoshpol, life in Khmilʹnyk after the war, childhood memories, learning Yiddish as a child, food customs, religious customs, Jewish weddings, dialectology, celebrating Jewish holidays, evacuation during the war, the Petlurists, education and Yiddish literature, Yiddish poetry, Jewish partisans, life in the ghetto during World War II, synagogues in Khmilʹnyk, visiting Israel, family and prewar celebration of Shabbat. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
Indiana University. Archives of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories.
Interview topics include post-Soviet Jews in the Ukraine, Jewish emigration from their birth country, Jewish Sunday School, service in the Soviet army, learning Yiddish, Yiddish songs, anti-Semitism in the army, Yiddish sociolinguistics and dialectology, Pechera camp, war refugees, discrimination against women in Jewish religious tradition, Jewish wedding customs, traditional Jewish foods, Mohyliv-Podil's'kyy Jewish cemetery, emigration to the US during Tsarist regime, Soviet Yiddish education, traditional religious life, Jewish recipes, making gefilte fish, synagogues, prewar Jewish entertainment, holiday customs, circumcision, Sabbath customs, contemporary war memorials and ceremonies, post-war Jewish life, pre-war traditional Jewish foodways, Yiddish theater, folk remedies, escape from Pechera. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
Indiana University. Archives of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories.
Interview topics include Jewish religious holidays, praying in synagogue, tsadikim, ghetto life, Ukrainians helping Jews, Hershele Ostropolyer story, memories of Passover, matzo kugels, bagels, dialectical questions, linguistical questions, life in Israel, Yiddish education, surviving the war years, prayer books, Bratslav cemetery, Pechera camp, Jews not killed during the war, celebrating Sabbath, traditional foods, yoykh, gefilte fish, cholent, Yiddish accents, Romanian Jews, post-Soviet society, Jewish emigration from the USSR, reading religious texts, non-Jews speaking Yiddish, praying in private homes, blessings before meals, Russian schools, telling jokes, Russian songs, local tsadiks, Yiddish theater songs. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
Indiana University. Archives of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories.
Interview topics include Yiddish songs, education, holiday celebrations, religious books, Yiddish writers, prewar Jewish culture in Shpykiv, imprisonment in the Pechera concentration camp, prewar antisemitism, dialectological discussion, food customs, contemporary life and antisemitism, Passover celebrations, tour of the historical Jewish neighborhood, burial rites, recipes (gefilte fish, vareniki). Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
Indiana University. Archives of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories.
Interview topics include hat terminology, Yiddish school, appearance of electricity, klezmers, musicians, wedding customs, Jewish folk remedies, famine, synagogues, prewar religious life, closure of Yiddish schools and synagogues, food customs and recipes for buckwheat dumplings, gefilte fish, Sukkot, Jewish religious life, dialectological questions, food customs, family life, prewar childhood memories, social and work life at the kolhoz, American Jewish organization Agro-Joint, forced labor, help from non-Jews, youth in Crimea, Soviet Yiddish songs, Yiddish writers, Passover customs, latkes, Jewish foodways, Lunacharka kolhoz, Russian converts to Judaism, fluency of Yiddish, gefilte fish, Jewish funeral customs, intermarriage, establishment of ghettos, food and assistance obtained by rich Romanian Jews, survival tactics, eating practices of chicken, kosher meat, sickness and healing. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
Indiana University. Archives of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories.
Interview topics include life before World War II, family anecdotes, childhood memories, prewar religious life, education, non-Jewish Yiddish speakers, linguistic and dialectological discussion of the Yiddish language, food customs, Yiddish proverbs and idioms, folk customs, Sabbath celebrations, Jewish weddings, holiday traditions, the Tomashpolʹ ghetto, views on contemporary issues in Ukraine, folk remedies, Yiddish songs, Yiddish theater, the Great Famine of 1932-33. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
Indiana University. Archives of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories.
Interview topics include Pechera concentration camp and its memorialization and current state, Jewish food, Jewish holiday customs and celebrations, dialectological questions, Jewish community and life before World War II, cultural life, ghetto life during the Romanian and German occupation, religious practices after the war, Yiddish speakers, service in the Red Army, liberation of Berlin, Yiddish songs, concentration camp experiences, daily life in Pechera, war experiences during the German and Romanian occupation, agricultural life, pogroms, dialectological questions, practicing present-day Judaism, observing religious practices in Soviet postwar period, Jewish mysticism, Great Hunger of 1933, working conditions during Soviet times, gefilte fish recipes, special food for the Sabbath and Jewish holidays, Bershad' ghetto, escape from Bershad' ghetto, Jewish pre-war education, circumcision, chauffeur occupation during and after the war, Jews as Soviet party leaders, Jewish wedding customs, Jewish ritual slaughterer, Tomashpol' ghetto, war memories, student life before the war, Jewish anecdotes, making a mezuzah from tin, poverty before the war, soap making and candy making before the war, wartime shootings and murders, synagogues, pre-war barber and tailor occupations, childhood memories, wartime memories of Finland, family life today, Jewish recipes. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
Indiana University. Archives of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories.
Interview topics include memories of Jewish holidays, the Sabbath, childhood years, Yiddish poetry, poverty, dialectological information, the town of Permovaysk, Jewish relations with non-Jews, speaking Yiddish regardless of ethnicity, gefilte fish, Hanukkah customs, Yiddish songs, Jewish homes of Sharhorod. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
Indiana University. Archives of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories.
Interview topics include Yiddish songs, food preparation, childhood memories, Jewish education, service in the Red Army, life in the Kopayhorod ghetto, family anecdotes, the Great Famine of 1932-33, linguistic and dialectological discussion of the Yiddish language, prayer traditions, drinking customs, religious practice in the late 1930s and under Romanian occupation, Jewish culture in Zhmerynka, choral performance, prewar Jewish life in Krasnoye, holiday celebrations, Jewish weddings, life in a ghetto, Yiddish books and press, Sabbath food customs, relations with non-Jews, contemporary life, tour of Jewish Shahorod, non-Jewish Yiddish speakers, koshering meat, life during Romanian occupation, postwar religious life, kosher butchery, Jewish professions, antisemitism, folk customs. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
Indiana University. Archives of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories.
Interview topics include linguistic and dialectological discussion of the Yiddish language, childhood memories, religious education, evacuation during World War II, prewar Jewish life in Holoby, prewar Jewish life, holiday traditions, Yiddish songs, cultural terminology, prewar conversion of non-Jews, cultural organizations, Yiddish writers, food customs. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
Indiana University. Archives of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories.
Interview topics include life during World War II, escape from the Pechera concentration camp, religious life before the war, matzoh factory, Jewish recipes, gefilte fish, family life, childhood memories, Jewish food customs, learning Yiddish, bath houses, holiday celebrations, youth movements, religious education, Jewish professions before the war, dialectology and terminology, Jewish weddings, Jewish medical habits, life during the Nazi occupation, hiding from the Nazis, Russian partisans, serving as an Army nurse, ambitions to live in Israel, Jewish funerals, Polish schools, Sabbath celebrations, Purim celebrations, childhood memories, origins of Yiddish names, prewar political organizations, memorialization of Jewish mass graves, Drokhenbroyt, Jewish circumcisions, Jewish buildings in Luts'k, synagogues. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
Indiana University. Archives of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories.
Interview topics include life during and after World War II, imprisonment in Auschwitz concentration camp, military service, prewar Jewish life in Vynohradiv, Purim shpiels, education in Vynohradiv, contemporary Jewish weddings and religious life, Yiddish songs, antisemitism, religious and holiday customs, Yiddish blessings, wedding entertainers, relations with non-Jews, food customs, imprisonment in Buchenwald and Mauthausen concentration camps, linguistic and dialectological questions about the Yiddish language, prewar Jewish life in Berehove, family anecdotes, cultural terminology, life on a kolkhoz. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
Indiana University. Archives of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories.
Interview topics include childhood memories, religious education, holiday food customs, Sabbath songs, life after World War II, Jewish prayers, prewar Jewish life, military service, imprisonment in Auschwitz, Monowitz, and Buchenwald concentration camps, death march from Monowitz camp, linguistic and dialectological discussion of the Yiddish language, Yiddish songs, contemporary religious life, demonstrations against the closure of the synagogue in Khust, tour of the former Jewish neighborhood in Khust. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
Indiana University. Archives of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories.
Interview topics include religious life before and after World War II, Jewish prayers, Hungarian occupation during World War II, relations with non-Jews, deportation and imprisonment during World War II, Purim celebrations and shpiels, religious education, contemporary religious life, photographs of prewar religious events, the wedding and funeral of Eluzer Spira, the wedding of Eluzer Spira's daughter Frume, food customs, imprisonment in the Vorkuta gulag, prewar Sabbath celebrations, Zionist organizations, tour of the Jewish cemetery, folk remedies, Hasidic anecdotes and jokes, Yiddish literature, Yiddish songs, service in the Hungarian military, imprisonment in the Mauthausen-Gusen concentration camp and Gunskirchen labor camp, prewar occupations and political organizations, cultural terminology, linguistic and dialectological discussion of the Yiddish language, reparation payments. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
Indiana University. Archives of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories.
Interview topics include tour of the prewar Jewish neighborhood in Svalyava, prayers, Yiddish songs, holiday celebration, prewar religious life, food customs, linguistic and dialectological discussion of the Yiddish language, prewar Sabbath celebrations, folk customs, Jewish weddings, contemporary religious life. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
Indiana University. Archives of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories.
Interview topics include childhood memories, family anecdotes, life before World War II, contemporary religious life, prewar religious life, life under Hungarian and German occupation, military service, Jewish weddings, imprisonment in a labor camp, prewar life in Mukacheve, prewar Hasidic life, religious education, holiday celebrations, life during World War II, tour of the former Great Synagogue and Jewish neighborhood, imprisonment in labor and concentration camps including Auschwitz III (Monowitz-Buna), Gleiwitz, and Mittelbau-Dora, escape from a mass execution, prewar antisemitism, linguistic and dialectological discussion of the Yiddish language, food shortages, relations with non-Jews. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.
Indiana University. Archives of Historical and Ethnographic Yiddish Memories.
Interview topics include life during World War II, imprisonment in Auschwitz, life in a DP camp, prewar Jewish life, contemporary Jewish life in Vynohradiv, non-Jewish Yiddish speakers, linguistic and dialectological discussion of the Yiddish language, female magicians, cultural terminology, Yiddish songs, life under Hungarian occupation, tour of Jewish cemetary in Vynohradiv. Descriptive information presented here may come from original collection documentation. Please note collections of historical content may contain material that could be offensive to some patrons.