- American institute of biological sciences (AIBS)2
- Arts of the Orient (IU-AVC)2
- Canada carries on2
- Chem Study Film Series2
- Chemical safety series (IU-AVC)2
- Continuity of Life (IU-AVC)2
- Foundry practice : bench molding2
- Government and citizenship series (IU-AVC)2
- Human Biology Series (Ueva)2
- Living science2
- Machine Shop Work : operations on the centerless grinding machine2
- Machine shop work : bench work2
- Machine shop work : operations on a broaching machine2
- Machine shop work : operations on the center-type grinder2
- Machine shop work series. no. 22
- Nature study series (IU-AVC)2
- News parade2
- Principiantes de espanol2
- Recreational games series (IU-AVC)2
- Teacher education (IU-AVC)2